The cost of the illegal migrant crisis: Letters to the Editor, Nov. 23, 2023


HB All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
The Issue: Resources in New York City and the state going toward housing illegal migrants.
President Biden’s open-border policies are now affecting the funding of the police and education systems in New York City (“NY immig $ituation makes no sense: Manchin,” Nov. 20).

The cost of migrants walking across the border and receiving housing, health insurance and living essentials are making US citizens less safe. This is causing New York to support illegals over our own citizens.

financial impact of the migrants who are arriving. Their message is: Get over it and get ready for the next wave.

Elections do have consequences. Think before you vote next year.

Paul Burgdorf


The migrant crisis has directly impacted safety in New York.

Mayor Adams has announced budget cuts all over — but especially to the police force — to pay for the expanding migrant population.

We have a right to live peacefully. That right should not be trumped by the rights of those who break the law.

Mindy Rader

New City

As sad as the migrant crisis is for those desperately seeking a better life for themselves and their families, we shouldn’t lose sight of the negative impact it has on citizens.

Most of us pay a substantial portion of our income for federal and state taxes.

All of this is allegedly necessary to support the government — the same government that seems to have no problem inviting and supporting waves of migrants.

Simple question: Why are we being taxed to death when the government always seems to be able to come up with billions on demand (despite being trillions in debt) for migrants and any other pet project?

Niles Welikson

Williston Park
New York City voters are to blame for the twin pillars of the financial crisis — excessive debt and spending.

The combined financial incompetence of Mayors Bill de Blasio and Adams can only be corrected by the pain of budget cuts, which damage quality of life and will result in more middle-class citizens leaving New York City.

Ed Houlihan

Ridgewood, NJ
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Wa, Wa, Wa, Wa, Wa!

Turn the fcvking channel asshole.
Trumps open border policy wasn't much better. Border has been a mess for years, and no POTUS has a plan to fix it. They just kick the can down the road.
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You have a terminal case of whataboutism.

You can call it whatever you want; my point is that its been a problem for many years and has not been addressed and regardless of who wins in 2024 it will still be a growing problem.

If you think one party can fix it while the opposing party can't, then you have a terminal case of denial.
You can call it whatever you want; my point is that its been a problem for many years and has not been addressed and regardless of who wins in 2024 it will still be a growing problem.

If you think one party can fix it while the opposing party can't, then you have a terminal case of denial.
Yes it's been a problem for many years but FCS take off the blinders!

It's become an outright invasion under the Biden Regime. His policies have made it a disaster.

People who are coming have publicly stated they are coming because of Biden and his promise to let them in.

In medical terms it went from a scratch to cancer!
Yes it's been a problem for many years but FCS take off the blinders!

It's become an outright invasion under the Biden Regime. His policies have made it a disaster.

People who are coming have publicly stated they are coming because of Biden and his promise to let them in.

In medical terms it went from a scratch to cancer!

Curious what policies of Bidens have made it a disaster? Are his policies different than past administrations?

Closing the border isn't going to help, these people find their way across anyway. Walls won't help. People climb over them.

It seems like the majority of people coming are coming and trying to enter legally, but the numbers just overwhelm the system. Those who came here illegally should be dealt with differently. What that solution is I think is what has plagued lawmakers for decades.

What would you suggest to someone coming here who wants to come legally, work and be productive members of society and pay taxes to give their families a better life? Isn't that why people have been coming here? Did your ancestors come here for the same reason? Likely so.
Simple fix for the immediate problem:
1. Asylum seekers need to be held and dealt with within 10 working days of filing their application.
2. Asylum applications will only be accepted at the rate that the system will accommodate, (see above).
3. Asylum seekers not yet achieving levels 1 or 2 above need to wait in line.
Curious what policies of Bidens have made it a disaster? Are his policies different than past administrations?

Closing the border isn't going to help, these people find their way across anyway. Walls won't help. People climb over them.

It seems like the majority of people coming are coming and trying to enter legally, but the numbers just overwhelm the system. Those who came here illegally should be dealt with differently. What that solution is I think is what has plagued lawmakers for decades.

What would you suggest to someone coming here who wants to come legally, work and be productive members of society and pay taxes to give their families a better life? Isn't that why people have been coming here? Did your ancestors come here for the same reason? Likely so.
My ancestors went through Ellis Island they didn't swim across the Pecos under cover of darkness. Nor did they get a backpack, a cell phone, a $5000 gift card and a plane ticket to anywhere they wished to go. Also my ancestors weren't expecting free everything once they got to where they were headed, todays Illegals start collecting oodles of taxpayer (my money) funded entitlements from day one.

You would be wise to never again compare what our ancestors went through to become citizens as compared to these illegal scumbags.
Which is the cheaper option........full-scale deployment of the military along the border or just letting them in?

Bummer situation for the Yanks. 1,954 miles of border while the whole while being the bright light on the hill for those yearning for a new life.
My ancestors went through Ellis Island they didn't swim across the Pecos under cover of darkness. Nor did they get a backpack, a cell phone, a $5000 gift card and a plane ticket to anywhere they wished to go. Also my ancestors weren't expecting free everything once they got to where they were headed, todays Illegals start collecting oodles of taxpayer (my money) funded entitlements from day one.

You would be wise to never again compare what our ancestors went through to become citizens as compared to these illegal scumbags.

Wow, you took time to think about that answer, now why don't you answer my question about the Biden policies that are making things worse.

I also didn't compare your ancestors process of coming to the US, I asked why you think they came here, and likely the answer was for a better life and opportunity.

Also interesting you seem to draw little distinction between those coming here and trying to enter legally vs. the swimmers and wall climbers in the "cover of darkness". If your ancestors came through Ellis Island and did all the right things to become citizens then how do you fault those coming here and trying to do it the same way?
My ancestors went through Ellis Island they didn't swim across the Pecos under cover of darkness. Nor did they get a backpack, a cell phone, a $5000 gift card and a plane ticket to anywhere they wished to go. Also my ancestors weren't expecting free everything once they got to where they were headed, todays Illegals start collecting oodles of taxpayer (my money) funded entitlements from day one.

You would be wise to never again compare what our ancestors went through to become citizens as compared to these illegal scumbags.
How do you know what your ancestors expected? You don't!!! It's hard to take people like you seriously as you're only interested in rhetoric that slams the left. Your entire first paragraph is false. We've become a nation of people who can think and reason. You are a prime example of that.
My ancestors went through Ellis Island they didn't swim across the Pecos under cover of darkness. Nor did they get a backpack, a cell phone, a $5000 gift card and a plane ticket to anywhere they wished to go. Also my ancestors weren't expecting free everything once they got to where they were headed, todays Illegals start collecting oodles of taxpayer (my money) funded entitlements from day one.

You would be wise to never again compare what our ancestors went through to become citizens as compared to these illegal scumbags.

Everything you said was false.
Wrong - where did I say the U.S. Government is doing this?

Feds give money to non profit organizations to give this stuff.

It's a shell game
No one is doing it. You said taxpayers are footing the bill. They aren't. This is typical of the far right. You're confronted with the facts and yet you're still trying to rationalize your false statements.
No one is doing it. You said taxpayers are footing the bill. They aren't. This is typical of the far right. You're confronted with the facts and yet you're still trying to rationalize your false statements.
Every cent the government gives away comes from the taxpayers, these bleeding heart organizations don't print their own money dumbo.
Every cent the government gives away comes from the taxpayers, these bleeding heart organizations don't print their own money dumbo.
Again you made claims that they are getting 5k gift cards. That's false as no one is doing that. You really shouldn't be calling anyone dumb when you continue to try and back your false claims. You're being intentionally ignorant which is worse than being an idiot.
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