The Democrats Are Now Socialists

Why did the stop the recording so fast? Steyer and Klobuchar both clearly raise their hands in the video also. The general idea of "raise your hand if...." is really counter-intuitive to a debate anyway.
They do not like the Electoral College, we need to have a constitutional change to make it more to the Democratic liking.

The Republicans do not like the fact that the Supreme court is not in favor of their policies. We need to change the makeup of the court and STACK it.

These people are ****ING SCARY. Do not give away your rights to the Democratic Socialists!
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Socialism around things in the public interest where free markets don’t make sense like
- the fire department
- the police department
- the military
or maybe even the tariff driven farm subsidies that now exceed the auto bailouts......
Capitalism is great but most republicans have no idea what socialism is...or they’re in favor of the free market fire department model. It’s the tyrannical despots you should fear, not the ism.
Socialism around things in the public interest where free markets don’t make sense like
- the fire department
- the police department
- the military
or maybe even the tariff driven farm subsidies that now exceed the auto bailouts......
Capitalism is great but most republicans have no idea what socialism is...or they’re in favor of the free market fire department model. It’s the tyrannical despots you should fear, not the ism.
Lets Give $1000 to everyone, every month
Let's give a Free College Education
Lets have Nationalized Health Care
I forgot what else they are promising, oh, cheap and preferential loans for Black People that want to start businesses.
Why are there no viable Democratic candidates?? Unbelievable, how have we gotten to this point where every single candidate is a joke, a caricature, or feeble?!
Lets Give $1000 to everyone, every month
Let's give a Free College Education
Lets have Nationalized Health Care
I forgot what else they are promising, oh, cheap and preferential loans for Black People that want to start businesses.
Let’s subsidize the top 1% with tax cuts while adding trillions to the national debt
Let’s ensure the term “medical bankruptcy” stays relevant by eliminating protections for pre existing conditions while telling the public we’re actually protecting them.
Let’s solve the trade war we started
Let’s end the war our party lied about to start
Let’s turn our backs on our allies
Let’s get nothing in return for the Iran deal and for legitimizing North Korea’s regime
Let’s raw dog porn stars and pay them to be quiet
Let’s lie about nearly everything because the base follows like lemmings.
Let’s destroy anyone that dare oppose us regardless of truth.
No thanks.
Outside of nationalized health care I’m not for anything you mention above. The USPS has had its troubles but can coexist with Fed Ex and UPS. Granting healthcare to everyone is not taking healthcare away from 180 million people. Only Republicans can perform that equation to their own satisfaction. The government runs the finest military in the world unless you’d like to argue otherwise.
Let’s subsidize the top 1% with tax cuts while adding trillions to the national debt
Let’s ensure the term “medical bankruptcy” stays relevant by eliminating protections for pre existing conditions while telling the public we’re actually protecting them.
Let’s solve the trade war we started
Let’s end the war our party lied about to start
Let’s turn our backs on our allies
Let’s get nothing in return for the Iran deal and for legitimizing North Korea’s regime
Let’s raw dog porn stars and pay them to be quiet
Let’s lie about nearly everything because the base follows like lemmings.
Let’s destroy anyone that dare oppose us regardless of truth.
No thanks.
Outside of nationalized health care I’m not for anything you mention above. The USPS has had its troubles but can coexist with Fed Ex and UPS. Granting healthcare to everyone is not taking healthcare away from 180 million people. Only Republicans can perform that equation to their own satisfaction. The government runs the finest military in the world unless you’d like to argue otherwise.
There are other options rather than nationalizing healthcare. The problem with healthcare in this country is it already is a quasi government system and the government keeps tweaking it in the wrong way.
I doubt they would have any trouble admitting that.

Its kind of interesting....if you put the most successful presidents into today’s platforms, the Rs would hate most of them.

Washington, Adams, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama...all Ds.

For the Rs...Jefferson. Maybe if you include Reagan...but most would call him a Rino.
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