The Democrats Are Now Socialists

One of the best posts I’ve ever seen on this board. Bravo!
Its kind of interesting....if you put the most successful presidents into today’s platforms, the Rs would hate most of them.

Washington, Adams, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama...all Ds.

For the Rs...Jefferson. Maybe if you include Reagan...but most would call him a Rino.
Jefferson wasn’t even a Christian and he doubled the size of government. I think the Ds get to retain him too. Of course we probably have to accept Nixon too.
Yeah... I’m sure our founders envisioned the top 1% having more wealth than the bottom 90% while people are dying because they can’t afford to see a doctor. Hard to believe so many people can’t comprehend this.
Its kind of interesting....if you put the most successful presidents into today’s platforms, the Rs would hate most of them.

Washington, Adams, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama...all Ds.

For the Rs...Jefferson. Maybe if you include Reagan...but most would call him a Rino.
Pretty shitty assessment on your part. Plus, how you speak for the Republicans on here? Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Teddy Roosevelt, Lincoln and Reagan would all have shit fits regarding the Democratic platform today.

Adams, with his Aliens and Sedition act? You are way off base and your ability to read History is doubtful.