The first $million donor for"The greatest wrestling training the world"

Have caught wind of this he past week or so and color me impressed. First I had no idea that Iowa's facilities were so lacking. I would agree with those who believe it a priority to upgrade the facilities to match what the program means to Iowa.

We have had donors step up big time that has enabled us to make great strides. Wrestling has always had a sizable following as compared to most wrestling programs but the backing of donors and the forward thinking of our administration has grown the footprint of PSU's wrestling program beyond my wildest dreams.

Congrats on getting the ball rolling toward the future. I have never been to a PSU/Iowa dual in Iowa but I'll be there in a heart beat when the fruits of your efforts develop.
Bob is the man, period.

Bob does sound like a solid dude and one who gets sh*t done...which comes with his profession I imagine and probably why he's successful. A side benefit is that he is an HR guy with a passion for wrestling. Giving Brands and co the tools to win sounds like his first priority, not just a name on the side of the building. I honestly think we sparked the engine on here and got it started but it's guys like Bob who are going to get it out on the road and make it run fast to the finish line. Doesn't make our part in this small because like the HWC guys say, every single dollar counts. However, it's something to remember when we hear the next rant about rich people because the God's honest truth is that tax dollars only go so far and its folks like them that give universities the real nice things in both academics and sports. Not gratuitous butt kissing on my part...just a statement of fact and something to think about.