"The Great One" Mark Levin goes after Karl Rove Super PAC's.


HB Legend
May 13, 2009
Lewis Township
Mark Levin opened his show tonight going after Karl Rove Super PACs who were already attacking Rand Paul as his announcement was being made. This Super PAC is also connected to Jeb Bush and Levin says they are distorting Citizens United in order to attack Conservatives.

Read more:
I did not read the link ... I will do that later.

However, always remember that Karl Rove is never out for anyone other than Karl Rove. He gets paid by his Super PAC, and my guess is that he takes a commission/cut of the funds raised.

He was one of the guys who made Micheal Steele look bad by siphoning money that Steele was attempting to raise for the party. Instead, much of it went to Super PACs, and the party dumped Steele because he came up short in the money raising department.

He also pulled money away from Romney in the last cycle.

I do not mind a little Swift-Boating here and there, but too much campaign money is out of the reach of our nominee, too much of the time.