The guy Israel blew up yesterday was one of the 1983 Beirut Marine bombers


HB King
Gold Member
Hope he's getting railed in the bunghole in hell. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Aqil, a U.S.-designated terrorist, served on Hezbollah’s top military council. The U.S. has linked him to the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut and the kidnapping of Americans in the 1980s. The State Department last year announced a reward of up to $7 million for information about Aqil.
moustache goodbye GIF
Too bad the liberals responsible for the rules of engagement that led to his smashing success couldn't meet with a similar fate!
Maybe someday America will realize the best way to avoid having their military servicemen and women killed in foreign lands is to not HAVE the military in foreign lands.
I have a buddy who was there that day. It was his first deployment as a Marine. He'd gone off duty and had crawled into his bunk when the bomb went off and blew him out of the bunk and onto the floor. I assume he's having a toast tonight.
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