The Iron Claw


HB Legend
Jun 15, 2004
Was just okay. The dad's acting was really bad. Zac Efron is a ripped ****ing monster. Whoever they had as Rick Flair was terrible.

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I would give it 8/10, more for the incredible story itself as I wasn’t aware of it (never followed professional wrestling). Love 70s and 80s era movies as well. The brothers were great.
Your review of the Ric Flair character may be even too kind. That guy sucked.

I liked the movie except it bothered me they left out a brother who also dies by suicide in the same general time frame.
apparently all the brothers were married at one point too, but only included Pam. Lily James was good though.
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Rick Flair actor was terrible and they couldnt even get Harley Race right with his tattoo being left out, the movie was average at best but did have some decent nostalgia if you grew up a wrestling fan. As far as wrestling tv shows and movies goes Heels was a great tv series.
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Lol yeah, idk about that. I'm pretty sure if a big celebrity like Zach Efron had any kind of accident where his jaw is "hanging off his face" that would have been all over the news.

The dude was probably pumping more steroids/hgh than Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa...combined, for his role in Iron Claw.

I'm sure once he's off the juice his face won't be so puffy.
I thought it was very good. I thought Effron was excellent and should have gotten an Oscar nod.

It was a bit disorienting how much the actors (except the dad) didn't resemble the actual people. If you know what they really looked like, it's kind of hard to get past that.

With all that said, and I think it was a top 5 movie last year...yes the Ric Flair was atrocious. It's my biggest complaint about the movie by far.

One of the most imitated people in the history of the world, and you can't find better than that? You could swing a cat south of the Mason Dixon line and hit two people who could do a better Ric Flair. Just a super weird miss.
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Lol yeah, idk about that. I'm pretty sure if a big celebrity like Zach Efron had any kind of accident where his jaw is "hanging off his face" that would have been all over the news.

The dude was probably pumping more steroids/hgh than Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa...combined, for his role in Iron Claw.

I'm sure once he's off the juice his face won't be so puffy.
Uh it was... back in 2022, a lot of articles on it.

I'm sure he's taking something as all of these guys are these days, hell McAfee brags about taking something on his show pretty often. It's pretty much main stream these days, it's just not the old school steroids anymore and more modern.
Uh it was... back in 2022, a lot of articles on it.

I'm sure he's taking something as all of these guys are these days, hell McAfee brags about taking something on his show pretty often. It's pretty much main stream these days, it's just not the old school steroids anymore and more modern.
The accident happened in 2013.

He roided up for the role and his face got swollen due to the side effects of taking a sh*t ton of steroids.
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I thought it was very good. I thought Effron was excellent and should have gotten an Oscar nod.

It was a bit disorienting how much the actors (except the dad) didn't resemble the actual people. If you know what they really looked like, it's kind of hard to get past that.

With all that said, and I think it was a top 5 movie last year...yes the Ric Flair was atrocious. It's my biggest complaint about the movie by far.

One of the most imitated people in the history of the world, and you can't find better than that? You could swing a cat south of the Mason Dixon line and hit two people who could do a better Ric Flair. Just a super weird miss.
It was fine. I don't know about top 5 of 2023 for me. I at least finished it, though, which is more than I can say about Oppenheimer.
It was solid. I knew of the story a little, so was wondering why they left one brother out. Seemed strange since it would only further illustrate the curse. Also, I recall as a kid seeing WCW, NWA and WWE. Based on the movie it seemed like Zac's character would have been a guy who got a shot but the film makes it appear that he never did, but his brother with a bad leg did and was popular for a spell... doesn't make sense. Then, from documentaries or stories I've seen the brother OD'd in Japan and they cleaned up the drugs before police arrived... why skip that? And, does anybody know if he made out well when he sold things? I think that happened much later than indicated in the film too. Lastly, I agree with you all... the Flair character was terrible.
It was solid. I knew of the story a little, so was wondering why they left one brother out. Seemed strange since it would only further illustrate the curse. Also, I recall as a kid seeing WCW, NWA and WWE. Based on the movie it seemed like Zac's character would have been a guy who got a shot but the film makes it appear that he never did, but his brother with a bad leg did and was popular for a spell... doesn't make sense. Then, from documentaries or stories I've seen the brother OD'd in Japan and they cleaned up the drugs before police arrived... why skip that? And, does anybody know if he made out well when he sold things? I think that happened much later than indicated in the film too. Lastly, I agree with you all... the Flair character was terrible.
They didn't leave out their brother OD'ing, they prob just kept it was the original alabi so the WWE wouldn't have to recognize him ODing. They kind of alluded when Kevin said "Intestinal rupture, how does that even happen?"

Also Terry was the more popular/successful wrestler of the bunch. The film was kind of focused around Kevin though since he's the last surviving brother.
They didn't leave out their brother OD'ing, they prob just kept it was the original alabi so the WWE wouldn't have to recognize him ODing. They kind of alluded when Kevin said "Intestinal rupture, how does that even happen?"

Also Terry was the more popular/successful wrestler of the bunch. The film was kind of focused around Kevin though since he's the last surviving brother.
I guess they didn't make it clear that Kevin wasn't the star... seemed like he was, then skipped over without much explanation. And, I know they showed the "intestinal" issue at the wedding and then the mention of his death, but seems like the drugs/OD part should have been mentioned seeing how all brothers died due to self-inflicted injuries where they made his seem like an accident.
It was solid. I knew of the story a little, so was wondering why they left one brother out. Seemed strange since it would only further illustrate the curse. Also, I recall as a kid seeing WCW, NWA and WWE. Based on the movie it seemed like Zac's character would have been a guy who got a shot but the film makes it appear that he never did, but his brother with a bad leg did and was popular for a spell... doesn't make sense. Then, from documentaries or stories I've seen the brother OD'd in Japan and they cleaned up the drugs before police arrived... why skip that? And, does anybody know if he made out well when he sold things? I think that happened much later than indicated in the film too. Lastly, I agree with you all... the Flair character was terrible.

It was solid. I knew of the story a little, so was wondering why they left one brother out. Seemed strange since it would only further illustrate the curse.
Yeah, it's crazy that it was even worse. I'm guessing it was left out so as not to give the other tragedies less time, or because it would make it either too tragic, or unbelievable. It is a bit of an odd decision.

Based on the movie it seemed like Zac's character would have been a guy who got a shot but the film makes it appear that he never did,
This is a bit of a factor of the story casting against real life. In real life, Effron's brother was the smallest of the three main brothers, and while athletic and talented, was never going to get the call up to the WWE or WCW, where they were almost exclusively looking for better physical specimens.

but his brother with a bad leg did and was popular for a spell... doesn't make sense.
If you looked at film or even pictures of the real Kerry Von Erich, it would make sense. He is visually the absolute package of looks, physique, hair, etc. Maybe not the greatest wrestler, but he had one of the best golden boy looks in wrestling history. The casting here, while good acting, really doesn't express Kerry's matinee power.

These are both cases in which casting hard against reality makes for a bit of a confusing narrative.

the brother OD'd in Japan and they cleaned up the drugs before police arrived... why skip that?
There are stories to that, but its very alleged. The official story is still unfortunate natural causes. Apparently the rupture is really what killed him, and drugs wouldn't do that. There's no reason really to go with the more scandalous unproven theory in the context of the story they were telling. And probably would have prevented any cooperation from Kevin, assuming they had any.

And, does anybody know if he made out well when he sold things?
No, to my knowledge, none of the territories made out well when they sold out to WWE. There may have been one or two very early on that did a little better, but for the most part they all hung on too long until it was clear there was no viability (thus no leverage) left, and sold for whatever they could. Nobody made real generational money selling out to WWE, by the time they gave up, WWE was basically just buying up their IP and tape collection. There were no other real assets to sell.