1-minute video: US military, State Dept ‘leadership’ lie about Russia invading NATO, laugh at media asking for evidence. What US agency will have the honor to arrest these .01% War Criminals?
Posted on February 6, 2016 by Carl Herman
hat tips: Live Leak, What Really Happened
“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. And then you win.” –unsourced, and attributed to Gandhi
Among dozens of us in alternative media, I’ve documented retired US Admiral John Kirby, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and current US State Department Spokesperson, as blatantly lying in accusation of Russia committing War Crimes. His official and Oath-sworn responsibility is to accurately communicate US foreign policy in on the record media communications; with his Oath to support and defend the US Constitution.
The primary support of the US Constitution for the State Department, of course, is to not engage in the numerous unlawful and lie-started armed attacks around the world. A close second is to not engage in Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing intentional policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).
So for Admiral Kirby to continue supporting Wars of Aggression and Crimes Against Humanity in official duties, and ongoingly lie for more war-mongering against Russia OBVIOUSLY calls for his legal arrest. An arrest lawfully stops a crime in commission. We do this to stop public harm now, and avoid further harm from more criminal acts.
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Posted on February 6, 2016 by Carl Herman
hat tips: Live Leak, What Really Happened
“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. And then you win.” –unsourced, and attributed to Gandhi
Among dozens of us in alternative media, I’ve documented retired US Admiral John Kirby, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and current US State Department Spokesperson, as blatantly lying in accusation of Russia committing War Crimes. His official and Oath-sworn responsibility is to accurately communicate US foreign policy in on the record media communications; with his Oath to support and defend the US Constitution.
The primary support of the US Constitution for the State Department, of course, is to not engage in the numerous unlawful and lie-started armed attacks around the world. A close second is to not engage in Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing intentional policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).
So for Admiral Kirby to continue supporting Wars of Aggression and Crimes Against Humanity in official duties, and ongoingly lie for more war-mongering against Russia OBVIOUSLY calls for his legal arrest. An arrest lawfully stops a crime in commission. We do this to stop public harm now, and avoid further harm from more criminal acts.
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