The Mustache is completely clueless


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Ever since it was revealed that as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton received emails through a personal email address, Republicans have been twisting themselves into pretzels figuring out how to make it a scandal.
One very popular way that Republicans are trying to distance themselves from their own possible email scandals is to claim total ignorance of technology - which doesn't seem like a very promising tactic for a 21st century leader, but I digress.
John McCain has said the same thing.
Iowa Governor Terry Branstad (R) has been making that claim for a while, but he really doesn't get it. He claims that he doesn't own a smartphone or even send email, but he has a Blackberry, from which he receives emails.
Here's the transcript of a court document, as printed in the Washington Post.
Q. Governor, you told me that you did not have a smartphone, but apparently you do. [/I]
A. I have a BlackBerry, not a -[/I]
Q. That's a smartphone.[/I]
A. It is?[/I]
Q. I think so.[/I]
A. I don't know. It's just an old-fashioned Blackberry.[/I]
Q. It's not a dumb phone.[/I][/QUOTE]
Actually, a Blackberry is a smartphone.
Q. Can you get e-mails on your BlackBerry?[/I]
A. No, because I don't have an e-mail address.[/I]
Q. Well, Governor, somehow you get this document. This is Exhibit 79.[/I]
A. Right.[/I]
Q. It is, in fact, an e-mail. How does it come to you on your - on your BlackBerry? [/I]
A. Well, it does come to me on my phone.[/I]
Q. How does it do that?[/I]
A. Well, I don't know. There's an app for that.[/I]
A. So there 's an app on my phone. If I click on that app, then this comes up.[/I]
Q. Okay. That's - there 's an icon of some kind that you click on that -[/I]
A. Well, I think they call it an app. But yeah.[/I]
Q. All right. But you do not have an e-mail address? [/I]
A. I don't. [/I]
Q. And you don't get e-mails on your phone?[/I]
A. I don't get e-mails.[/I][/QUOTE]
To be fair, Governor Branstad doesn't have a job in corporate IT. I suppose it's not necessary for him to know that the device he carries in his hand is a smartphone and that it receives email.
Even after the Des Moines Register report came out, Branstad continued to deny having an email address. He does admit, though, that his office has an email account, where "no state business (is) conducted."
That email address can be accessed from his Blackberry and he can send from it. He claims only sent two accidental emails from that account.
Ironically, Branstad's 2010 ads showed him using a tablet and the tagline if "we have an app for that."
Here's the video:

This post was edited on 3/30 5:54 PM by THE_DEVIL
Originally posted by LuteHawk:
Sorry, I thought this thread was about Burt Reynolds.
All of that sounds too much like Hilary saying "I didn't want to have to carry two devices," like she didn't know she could have more than one email account on one phone. And she probably doesn't carry it herself anyway.
Like we are supposed to believe no one in her office knew how to set up multiple email accounts on one phone, or something. None of what she said was even remotely believable.

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