Sometime in the 1830's Timothy Bigelow and his wife, Almira, settled in the Camanche Township of Clinton, Iowa.
Originally from Connecticut, Timothy was a skilled smith and metal worker. What lead to his travels west is uncertain, but upon establishing his new home, he set about producing fine coins, as money was in short supply in the West, and soon the Bigelow Mint was well known in the area. The following excerpt is from
Lucious P. Allen's, "History of Clinton County, Iowa" first published in 1879.
“Among the earliest manufacturing enterprises established in the county was Bigelow’s Mint. This establishment was located about one and a half miles below town, on the place now occupied by Mr. Howe. Here hard money was coined in large quantities, and distributed in every direction. So great was the demand for coin, and such the briskness of business at this mint at one time, that the workmen confiscated the machinery of a small grist-mill on Mill Creek, with which to increase the facilities and capacity of their institution.
“Tim Bigelow’s money was very well executed, and circulated quite current. In many places it was quite as current as much of the Eastern currency, wildcat bills, and was about equally as good. Such, however, was the pressure of the Democratic party in Iowa, at this time, against “Banks of Issue,” that our mint was forced to suspend operations. Bigelow was driven from his stronghold, for he had previously made a fortress of his house, the upper story being pierced with loopholes for musketry, determined to defend himself to the last. But he was forced to capitulate by a posse of regulators; his old blacksmith-shop (the mint), was demolished, and he was threatened with dire vengeance if he ever showed himself in this part of the county again.”
Other informants give us the following statements in regard to Bigelow and his “mint:” The first telegraph in this part of the country was probably erected in this county. Bigelow, who was a “hard-money” man, and whose coin went current even at the land office, and with which many acres of land in this county are said to have been paid for, had his “mint” in a log house situated in Riverside, below where Davis’s lime-kiln now stands. Near where the present railroad bridge now reaches the shore, there was a bridge across the slough on the road between Lyons and Camanche. Another bridge crossed Mill Creek near the present site of the Mill Creek bridge.
From each of the bridges a wire was extended to the “mint,” so arranged that any one passing over would ring a bell at the house, upon which labor was suspended, tools carefully laid aside, and the artisans at once became agriculturists, and assiduously devoted themselves to the labors of the farm.
It is said that this bogus coin was so well executed that much of it passed current at the land office, and was paid out with other coin at the land sales.
Mr. Pearce continues: "There were several stations along the Mississippi in those early days, where sporting gentlemen stopped to trade horses and other property. They were asked no questions, supplied with coin and creature comforts, and passed on their course of dissipation and crime. The 'mint' was one of these stations.
"The names of the old settlers in this immediate vicinity were Noble Perrin, T. K. Peck, Robert Thomas and J. L. Pearce. Capt. C. G. Pearce, whose interest in the town of New York our family subsequently purchased, and Col. Randall, never considered themselves citizens."
Now, to persons reading. Much caution should be placed in trusting such old accounts. Despite coming from sources like this fine history by Allen. Let me offer this from what appears to be a Bigelow Family History:
"Due to the shortage of coins on the frontier, he established the "Bigelow Mint", and turned out hard currency. This was against the law, however, and in 1847 he was sentenced to federal prison. In 1850, he was enumerated at Alton State Prison, Madison county, IL while his wife was living in Rock Island, IL where she again was enumerated in 1860 and he was in a prison in Chicago. (Family tradition says that during the Civil War, Timothy L. was on parole and worked for the U.S. Mint in Denver, but the mint did not exist then and no proof has been found of this event). Timothy died in the Chicago prison in June 1863 and was buried in a potter's field next to the prison."
Now we've got, shall I say, "The rest of the story"? At least all I can find. And here come the mysteries which to my way of thinking will remain as such, but for use of a time machine.
"What hath God Wrought?" The famous lines sent by Samuel Morse in 1844 by telegraph from Washington, DC to his partner in Baltimore. So, what's this about telegraph lines to Bigelow's Mint? I am certain no such lines would have been installed in Iowa by the time Bigelow was arrested in 1847. Did some unnamed marvel of the age have the skill and knowledge to set up a telegraph (alarm) system far, far west of Western Union lines?
Iowa was a Territory from 1838 until it obtained statehood in 1846. Did that newfound statehood earn some kind of jurisdiction for the Federal Government to arrest Bigelow? Remember, he was incarcerated in Illinois. I do not think he'd have been brought up on state charges. If this is the case, how could Bigelow not have known the end of his operations was approaching? And what is this about deciding to defend his mint until the bitter end? Why? Shut down the mint and move west again dang it!
Where did all the money go? It seems a dang shame that his coins were made so well as to pass in such places as the Land Office. It would be nice for historical interests to enjoy possessing a few Bigelow Mint coins. Such it is, that numismatics to this day may unknowingly possess a genuine Bigelow Mint coin, if genuine and Bigelow Mint can be used together in a sentence.
Wouldn't it be a grand day to set foot upon the old Bigelow property armed with shovels and screens and dig in hopes of hitting some lost cache of coins? Iowa's very own coin mint.
One final thought. To Timothy's ancestors. I find when I write about a piece of history, it becomes quite possible that persons searching a subject may come upon my work. To you folks, no harm is meant in my telling of this tale. I think of names like Rockefeller, Kennedy, and the like who can trace their past to days when some family member may have been engaged in questionable business. My own family has the same kind of stories. My intent, is to share my delight in the fascinating, colorful characters that passed by those many years ago.
Originally from Connecticut, Timothy was a skilled smith and metal worker. What lead to his travels west is uncertain, but upon establishing his new home, he set about producing fine coins, as money was in short supply in the West, and soon the Bigelow Mint was well known in the area. The following excerpt is from
Lucious P. Allen's, "History of Clinton County, Iowa" first published in 1879.
“Among the earliest manufacturing enterprises established in the county was Bigelow’s Mint. This establishment was located about one and a half miles below town, on the place now occupied by Mr. Howe. Here hard money was coined in large quantities, and distributed in every direction. So great was the demand for coin, and such the briskness of business at this mint at one time, that the workmen confiscated the machinery of a small grist-mill on Mill Creek, with which to increase the facilities and capacity of their institution.
“Tim Bigelow’s money was very well executed, and circulated quite current. In many places it was quite as current as much of the Eastern currency, wildcat bills, and was about equally as good. Such, however, was the pressure of the Democratic party in Iowa, at this time, against “Banks of Issue,” that our mint was forced to suspend operations. Bigelow was driven from his stronghold, for he had previously made a fortress of his house, the upper story being pierced with loopholes for musketry, determined to defend himself to the last. But he was forced to capitulate by a posse of regulators; his old blacksmith-shop (the mint), was demolished, and he was threatened with dire vengeance if he ever showed himself in this part of the county again.”
Other informants give us the following statements in regard to Bigelow and his “mint:” The first telegraph in this part of the country was probably erected in this county. Bigelow, who was a “hard-money” man, and whose coin went current even at the land office, and with which many acres of land in this county are said to have been paid for, had his “mint” in a log house situated in Riverside, below where Davis’s lime-kiln now stands. Near where the present railroad bridge now reaches the shore, there was a bridge across the slough on the road between Lyons and Camanche. Another bridge crossed Mill Creek near the present site of the Mill Creek bridge.
From each of the bridges a wire was extended to the “mint,” so arranged that any one passing over would ring a bell at the house, upon which labor was suspended, tools carefully laid aside, and the artisans at once became agriculturists, and assiduously devoted themselves to the labors of the farm.
It is said that this bogus coin was so well executed that much of it passed current at the land office, and was paid out with other coin at the land sales.
Mr. Pearce continues: "There were several stations along the Mississippi in those early days, where sporting gentlemen stopped to trade horses and other property. They were asked no questions, supplied with coin and creature comforts, and passed on their course of dissipation and crime. The 'mint' was one of these stations.
"The names of the old settlers in this immediate vicinity were Noble Perrin, T. K. Peck, Robert Thomas and J. L. Pearce. Capt. C. G. Pearce, whose interest in the town of New York our family subsequently purchased, and Col. Randall, never considered themselves citizens."
Now, to persons reading. Much caution should be placed in trusting such old accounts. Despite coming from sources like this fine history by Allen. Let me offer this from what appears to be a Bigelow Family History:
"Due to the shortage of coins on the frontier, he established the "Bigelow Mint", and turned out hard currency. This was against the law, however, and in 1847 he was sentenced to federal prison. In 1850, he was enumerated at Alton State Prison, Madison county, IL while his wife was living in Rock Island, IL where she again was enumerated in 1860 and he was in a prison in Chicago. (Family tradition says that during the Civil War, Timothy L. was on parole and worked for the U.S. Mint in Denver, but the mint did not exist then and no proof has been found of this event). Timothy died in the Chicago prison in June 1863 and was buried in a potter's field next to the prison."
Now we've got, shall I say, "The rest of the story"? At least all I can find. And here come the mysteries which to my way of thinking will remain as such, but for use of a time machine.
"What hath God Wrought?" The famous lines sent by Samuel Morse in 1844 by telegraph from Washington, DC to his partner in Baltimore. So, what's this about telegraph lines to Bigelow's Mint? I am certain no such lines would have been installed in Iowa by the time Bigelow was arrested in 1847. Did some unnamed marvel of the age have the skill and knowledge to set up a telegraph (alarm) system far, far west of Western Union lines?
Iowa was a Territory from 1838 until it obtained statehood in 1846. Did that newfound statehood earn some kind of jurisdiction for the Federal Government to arrest Bigelow? Remember, he was incarcerated in Illinois. I do not think he'd have been brought up on state charges. If this is the case, how could Bigelow not have known the end of his operations was approaching? And what is this about deciding to defend his mint until the bitter end? Why? Shut down the mint and move west again dang it!
Where did all the money go? It seems a dang shame that his coins were made so well as to pass in such places as the Land Office. It would be nice for historical interests to enjoy possessing a few Bigelow Mint coins. Such it is, that numismatics to this day may unknowingly possess a genuine Bigelow Mint coin, if genuine and Bigelow Mint can be used together in a sentence.
Wouldn't it be a grand day to set foot upon the old Bigelow property armed with shovels and screens and dig in hopes of hitting some lost cache of coins? Iowa's very own coin mint.
One final thought. To Timothy's ancestors. I find when I write about a piece of history, it becomes quite possible that persons searching a subject may come upon my work. To you folks, no harm is meant in my telling of this tale. I think of names like Rockefeller, Kennedy, and the like who can trace their past to days when some family member may have been engaged in questionable business. My own family has the same kind of stories. My intent, is to share my delight in the fascinating, colorful characters that passed by those many years ago.