The NRA is Freedom's Safest Place


HB All-State
Sep 9, 2015
Always in your head

Demons at the door!

No law-abiding American should have to face evil with empty hands!

When evil knocks on our doors, Americans have a power no other people on the planet share: The full-throated right to defend our families and ourselves with our Second Amendment. The National Rifle Association fights for the protection of these liberties.

IDK. I could be wrong, but, didn't Wayne LaPierre turn over his membership list to the Federales years ago?
You know the threat is real.

You sit in meetings with advisors and operatives who tell you there could be Islamic sleeper cells in every major American community.

You know the southern border is a welcome mat for terrorists to enter our towns and neighborhoods at will.

You know about their plots to kill us in our shopping malls, our sports stadiums and our office buildings.

You won your office by talking like a champion of freedom. Now it's time to act like one.

Pass a national right to carry law that guarantees my constitutional right to defend myself, my family and my fellow Americans anywhere inside our borders ... and make sure the enemies of freedom know the power of freedom.

No law-abiding American should be forced to face evil with empty hands.

I'm the National Rifle Association of America.

And I'm freedom's safest place.
I prefer the old Hawks logo.

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