Lived in Rienow for two school years 99-01. Used to go across the street to play b-ball in the South Gym often with the guys on my floor. That was probably the best location for pick up games in the entire state when considering number of people and quality of competition. Free to anyone, so you had a bunch of non-students show up too. I used to enjoy shooting hoops on the Main Deck by myself during the middle of the day as it was an experience to play in such a large open space. Even the North Gym had the old parquet floor from CHA installed sometime around 2000 and was kind of a different experience to shoot around in.
Last I saw they made the entrance require you to badge in, at least on the side by the pool. You’d need to talk to a recent student to see if that is true for the whole building. If true, that would be sad that they would have changed the whole persona of the pick up games by forcing people to be members just to play b-ball.