The Pandemic Is Nearly Over. Should We Just Move On or Prepare for the Next One?

I moved on over a year ago. My hope is the govt has learned from this and is preparing for the next one.

Meanwhile, I'm ready to go just in case they didn't/aren't:

It's been over for more than a year.
It's become less deadly, so it can feel that way to those who aren't still at high risk. But it's still deadly and still "pan."

WHO is inching toward downgrading it. So you aren't alone in thinking it doesn't deserve the same level of concern.

The question, however, is whether we should prepare for the next one or move on. When your response to that question is to argue that it's already over, that sounds like a vote against preparing for the next one.
I’d like to see a totally nonpartisan assessment of our response so we can do better next time…

Won’t happen but one can hope.
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I’ve already moved on from the next one. Hopefully, we learned a lesson about allowing crazy people who don’t like working and don’t give a shit about kids educations and depression to lead the way. You know, maybe not let race riots or teachers unions determine the best scientific way forward like we did last time.

I doubt it though.

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