The previous Cy-Hawk Traveling Trophy (and its 4 day life)

I was aghast when I first saw it as to how "corny" it was, pun intended, because that trophy was a joke. I remember calling in to Murph and Andy's kxno radio show like many others to voice my laughter at it.

I commented, to Murph and Andy's delight, how the family probably had 10 kids overall but they couldnt get them all on the trophy. You know you need a lot of kids to help around the farm.
Who in the hell...came up with that design? Even worse...who would approve it? What a shit stain
I still can’t figure out how a room of people assigned with designing a new trophy decided they didn’t need to include a single sports reference on it.

It’s still hilarious how this blew up, and this was still before social media truly blew up. Imagine the reaction if it had happened a few years later.
Wow, the Pewter Family trophy only lasted 4 days? Why in my retrospective mind do I think we played for that thing for one year before it was retired? 4 days and it's still legendary.

I said at the time that Iowa-Iowa State should play for a giant tractor tire, that players had to roll off the field. Would have been epic.

That would be awesome. It can still be done too (until the day we have to end the ISU series due to Big Ten and P2 obligations). Make it so.
The loser of the games should have to take it, display it, so they have to explain it to recruits.