The problem with the GOP.


HB All-American
Gold Member
Apr 19, 2014

The 1970s saw the movement of many prominent liberal intellectuals to the right, many of them from New York City Jewish roots and well-established academic reputations. They had become disillusioned with liberalism, especially the foreign policy of détente with the Soviet Union.

Irving Kristol and Leo Strauss were founders of the movement. The magazines Commentary and Public Interest were their key outlets, as well as op-ed articles for major newspapers and position papers for think tanks. Activists around Democratic senator Henry Jackson became deeply involved as well. Prominent spokesmen include Gertrude Himmelfarb, Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Lewis Libby, Norman Podhoretz, Richard Pipes, Charles Krauthammer, Richard Perle, Robert Kagan, Elliott Abrams and Ben Wattenberg. Meanwhile, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan was highly sympathetic but remained a Democrat. Some of Strauss' influential neoconservative disciples included Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, Paul Wolfowitz (who became Deputy Secretary of Defense), Alan Keyes (who became Assistant Secretary of State), William Bennett (who became Secretary of Education), Weekly Standard editor William Kristol, political philosopher Allan Bloom, writer John Podhoretz, college president John Agresto; political scientist Harry V. Jaffa; and novelist Saul Bellow.

Neoconservatives generally support pro-business policies. Some went on to high policy-making or advisory positions in the Reagan, Bush I and Bush II administrations.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
So you're blaming the Jews? Seems about right for HROT of late.
Well aren't the NeoCon policies some of the biggest issues we have in our political spectrum? So yeah.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
So you're blaming the Jews? Seems about right for HROT of late.
Well aren't the NeoCon policies some of the biggest issues we have in our political spectrum? So yeah.
An agressive pro war foreign poicy is one problem I have with the current GOP. I'm not sure Hillary stands in much contrast to that however, so neocon policies might be a wash in the 2016 election. We will see.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
It's from Wikipedia, so it must be true.

Curious what your point was for citing this passage.
Rand Paul was in the news today so maybe it was an homage?
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
It's from Wikipedia, so it must be true. 

Curious what your point was for citing this passage.
Rand Paul was in the news today so maybe it was an homage?

OP has started a lot of "gotcha" type threads, but I'm rarely sure who they are aimed for or his reasoning for starting them. Seems like a good enough guy otherwise.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
It's from Wikipedia, so it must be true.Â

Curious what your point was for citing this passage.
Rand Paul was in the news today so maybe it was an homage?

OP has started a lot of "gotcha" type threads, but I'm rarely sure who they are aimed for or his reasoning for starting them. Seems like a good enough guy otherwise.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I take it in the spirit of providing content, which I appreciate around here.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
It's from Wikipedia, so it must be true. 

Curious what your point was for citing this passage.
Rand Paul was in the news today so maybe it was an homage?

OP has started a lot of "gotcha" type threads, but I'm rarely sure who they are aimed for or his reasoning for starting them. Seems like a good enough guy otherwise.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I take it in the spirit of providing content, which I appreciate around here. 

Agreed. It's more than I'm doing..

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Neo-Conservatism is a real thing. I'm not sure how much it has to do with Judaism! Very little, if any, would be my guess. Irving Kristol (and his son Bill), happen to be Jewish. But, they also happen to be males, and happen to be American, and happen to be New Yorkers. Those traits are also irrelevant. Kristol, and the others that helped create neo-conservatism, didn't do it in order for the Jews to take over the world. I doubt that Karl Marx and his ideologies had squat to do with him having a bar mitzvah at 13. Focusing on their religious affiliation is missing the point and misplacing the blame for other Jews that are polar opposites of people like Kristol. Kinda like the assumption that all Muslims are on some global jihad together.

By the way, Alan Keyes is not Jewish. I'm not sure why he's in that list at all.
IMHO the current GOP is a very uneasy conglomeration of ideals that do not work well together, making them largely ineffective. Whichever faction doesn't get its way gets mad and doesn't vote on election day as a passive-aggressive protest.

The GOP tries to serve several bases, so they currently have no real base, except the common fear the Dem's will continue to own the WH and debt us into oblivion.

The Dem's have an easier mantra to maintain and don't have so many conflicting ideals to appease.