The questions I want Clinton to answer about the server.


HB Heisman
Jul 13, 2002
Who provided the initial security for her network server when it went from being a private one for her and Bill to one where government business was going to be conducted?

Was there someone on her team team that was tasked with insuring that the security was kept current? Did this person work for the government or private firm?

Why did she scrub the server clean if she was using it for personal use?

Are there any other thumb drives besides the one she gave to her lawyer that have government business on them?

If she turned over all government e-mails and was left with only personal ones why did she need to scrub it? I delete e-mails all the time but have never wiped my server clean to do it.

One final question - if she didn't handle sensitive documents thru the server then how did she handle sensitive documents?

Maybe some of you know the answers to these questions.
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Who provided the initial security for her network server when it went from being a private one for her and Bill to one where government business was going to be conducted?

Was there someone on her team team that was tasked with insuring that the security was kept current? Did this person work for the government or private firm?

Why did she scrub the server clean if she was using it for personal use?

Are there any other thumb drives besides the one she gave to her lawyer that have government business on them?

If she turned over all government e-mails and was left with only personal ones why did she need to scrub it? I delete e-mails all the time but have never wiped my server clean to do it.

One final question - if she didn't handle sensitive documents thru the server then how did she handle sensitive documents?

Maybe some of you know the answers to these questions.
Your penultimate question is a particularly good one. If you're deleting stuff about plans for your daughter's wedding, etc., you just delete them. You don't get a computer expert to wipe everything clean so the material can't be recovered.
TexMichFan wrote:
Are there any other thumb drives besides the one she gave to her lawyer that have government business on them?

And does her lawyer have the proper security clearance to hold the thumb drive? Not to mention Platte River Networks.
The questions I have:

To Hillary:

Alright, Mrs. Clinton, nobody here thinks you could have plugged all the wires in and turned the thing on by yourself, let alone know how to run it. So who serviced your computer for you?

To her personal assistants whoever they might be:

Alright, Since Mrs. Clinton just picked up the mouse and tried phoning Bill with it, she obviously doesn't know s..t. So which one of you arranged to have her computer hooked up. And I want details, how many of you were involved?

To whatever security people in the government should have been on this to begin with:

Where in the #$%^ $%^&ing #$^^ were you guys? Don't try to tell me you didn't have a clue that Clinton was receiving and sending secure information from her personal computer!!! Someone better come forward with why she wasn't assisted by those that know how this stuff works!

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