The Real Reason Obama is Invading Texas - And Why I Support It

Poll results are interesting. Only 40% of Republicans (these are supposedly those who vote in primaries) say they DON'T BELIEVE that the federal government is trying to take over Texas. Another 28% aren't sure. For a total of 68% idiots.

I mean I fully expected that 32% DO believe such nonsense. That percentage believes anything. And, yes, there's probably a similar percentage who believe anything they hear on MSNBC, too. But you'd think the remaining 68% would be sane. But only 40% pass this minimal test of sanity.

If we use the rejection of this obviously false and loony conspiracy theory as a measure of which candidate attracts the sanest Republicans, we get this rank order:

Jeb Bush (59%)
Chris Christie (50%)
Rand Paul (50%)

[Rand Paul loses the tiebreaker because he has more followers who do believe this nonsense than Christie.]

Candidates with the batshit-craziest followers are:

Rick Perry (76% actually believe the federal gov government is trying to take over Texas)
Ted Cruz (56%)

No great surprise they are both from Texas.

Before you start thinking that the rest aren't so bad, note that if you combine those who believe the conspiracy with those who are too dumb to rule it out (the "I don't know" crowd), all but Ben Carson's followers top 60% (only 58% of Ben's folks are that clueless).

Poll results are interesting. Only 40% of Republicans (these are supposedly those who vote in primaries) say they DON'T BELIEVE that the federal government is trying to take over Texas. Another 28% aren't sure. For a total of 68% idiots.

I mean I fully expected that 32% DO believe such nonsense. That percentage believes anything. And, yes, there's probably a similar percentage who believe anything they hear on MSNBC, too. But you'd think the remaining 68% would be sane. But only 40% pass this minimal test of sanity.

If we use the rejection of this obviously false and loony conspiracy theory as a measure of which candidate attracts the sanest Republicans, we get this rank order:

Jeb Bush (59%)
Chris Christie (50%)
Rand Paul (50%)

[Rand Paul loses the tiebreaker because he has more followers who do believe this nonsense than Christie.]

Candidates with the batshit-craziest followers are:

Rick Perry (76% actually believe the federal gov government is trying to take over Texas)
Ted Cruz (56%)

No great surprise they are both from Texas.

Before you start thinking that the rest aren't so bad, note that if you combine those who believe the conspiracy with those who are too dumb to rule it out (the "I don't know" crowd), all but Ben Carson's followers top 60% (only 58% of Ben's folks are that clueless).


If you don't like the 3rd Party Candidate, do you Vote Hillary?
If you don't like the 3rd Party Candidate, do you Vote Hillary?

I expect to vote for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Or the Green ticket. I would have to be pretty worried that my state would go red to seriously consider casting a vote for the least worst war-mongering corporatist.
I had thought to myself that no way would there be a thread today to make the "conservative principals" thread seem smart.

Obviously I was proven wrong.
Candidates with the batshit-craziest followers are:

Rick Perry (76% actually believe the federal gov government is trying to take over Texas)
Ted Cruz (56%)

No great surprise they are both from Texas.
OMG, maybe OiT was right. Perry looks ready to be installed.
I'm a well-armed liberal and I'm coming to get your <del>guns</del> books, boy.

First war I've approved of in a very long time.
You guys did not pay a lot of attention to the terrorist attack on the cartoon convention. Two guys with AK-47's and body armor got taken out by a officer with a revolver.
OMG, maybe OiT was right. Perry looks ready to be installed.
Funny thing about the poll is Perry voters scored the highest and he came out right and said this was silly.

Of course not sure if he meant they would try or could succeed.
You guys did not pay a lot of attention to the terrorist attack on the cartoon convention. Two guys with AK-47's and body armor got taken out by a officer with a revolver.

I didn't really pay attention. When did they start using Dumb and Dumber for terrorist attacks? Or was the cop really that good?