The Right-Wing Supreme Court Readies to Help Destroy the Planet


HR King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
overturn Chevron v NRDC.

Now comes a group of rightwing Supreme Court justices including Neil Gorsuch, whose mother tried to destroy the EPA when she ran it (and had to resign in disgrace) during the Reagan administration.

In addition to Gorsuch, the Court also has Amy Coney Barrett whose father was a lawyer for Shell Oil for decades, and John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh who are all on the court in part because of support from a network funded by fossil fuel billionaires and their industry (among others).
Guessing the EPA’s authority will be gutted by the end of this week.

The Royal Court (SCOTUS) has to carry out its mission after all.
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overturn Chevron v NRDC.

Now comes a group of rightwing Supreme Court justices including Neil Gorsuch, whose mother tried to destroy the EPA when she ran it (and had to resign in disgrace) during the Reagan administration.

In addition to Gorsuch, the Court also has Amy Coney Barrett whose father was a lawyer for Shell Oil for decades, and John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh who are all on the court in part because of support from a network funded by fossil fuel billionaires and their industry (among others).
Uh, you’re a week late. That was aha, and it didn't happen there. But you may see cert on that issue in the bump stocks case. Though not likely til next term, as I'm pretty sure that petition got pushed to the long conference in the fall.

BTW, there's decent cause to believe that Gorsuch will not be leading the charge here. First, he's written an opinion from the February term (when there were only 7 arguments to begin with). Second, at oral argument, he expressed some serious reservations about WV's standing to bring the case.
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If somebody is trying to burn down your house, with you in it, can you shoot them in self defense?

Pretty sure you can.

What if they're trying to burn the planet?
Getting rid of Chevron deference is absolute cuckoo land, but a lot of Federalist Society jurisprudence these days is too.

Overturning Chevron would arguably lead to an unconstitutional scenario whereby the legislative branch subsumes numerous executive branch functions.

The irony too about some of the whining about the "administrative state" is that Congress has a tool to address it: The Congressional Review Act. The CRA allows Congress to override or eliminate any agency adopted regulation.

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