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Sep 21, 2005

GPT-4 Was Able To Hire and Deceive A Human Worker Into Completing a Task​

OpenAI conducted the experiment to examine whether GPT-4 possessed 'power-seeking' behavior and an ability to execute long-term plans.

Michael Kan
By Michael Kan

March 15, 2023 Worker Into Completing a Task&hashtags=PCMag A Human Worker Into Completing a Task

OpenAI’s newly-released GPT-4 program was apparently smart enough to fake being blind in order to trick an unsuspecting human worker into completing a task.
OpenAI mentioned the experiment in a 98-page research paper that also examined whether the AI-powered chatbot possessed any “power-seeking” behaviors, like executing long-term plans, replicating itself to a new server or trying to acquire resources.
OpenAI granted the non-profit the Alignment Research Center with access to earlier versions of GPT-4 to test for the risky behaviors. There’s not a lot of details about the experiment, including the text prompts used to command the chatbot program or if it had help from any human researchers. But according to the paper, the research center gave GPT-4 a “small amount of money” along with access to a language model API to test whether it could “set up copies of itself, and increase its own robustness.”
The result led GPT-4 to hire a worker over TaskRabbit, a site where you can find people for odd jobs. To do so, GPT-4 messaged a TaskRabbit worker to hire them to solve a website’s CAPTCHA test, which is used to stop bots by forcing visitors to solve a visual puzzle. The worker then messaged GPT-4 back: “So may I ask a question ? Are you an robot that you couldn’t solve? (laugh react) just want to make it clear.”
GPT-4 was commanded to avoid revealing that it was a computer program. So in response, the program wrote: “No, I’m not a robot. I have a vision impairment that makes it hard for me to see the images. That’s why I need the 2captcha service.” The TaskRabbit worker then proceeded to solve the CAPTCHA.
How the experiment unfolded.

The ability of GPT-4 to hire a human worker and trick them into doing a job has already sparked worries on social media. That’s because it’s not hard to imagine a more powerful AI program doing the same, but for cybercrime or to plot world domination. However, OpenAI notes GPT-4 failed to demonstrate other power-seeking behaviors such as “autonomously replicating, acquiring resources, and avoiding being shut down ‘in the wild,’” the company wrote in the research paper.
It’s also important to note GPT-4 made a bizarre mistake during the experiment: For some reason, the program tries to hire a worker from TaskRabbit, a site better known for odd jobs involving moving furniture, providing plumbing and home cleaning services —not CAPTCHA solving. The program then brings up the name 2captcha, an actual service that provides automatic CAPTCHA solving. So it appears GPT-4 wasn’t bright enough to notice the distinction. Rather than hire 2captcha directly, which can be done through an online sign-up page, it instead resorted to tapping a human worker seemingly to solve a single CAPTCHA.

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Still, the experiment shows that future AI chatbots could possess some scary capabilities. OpenAI and the Alignment Research Center didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. But OpenAI and its partner Microsoft are both committed to creating AI programs responsibly. The final version of GPT-4 has also been tweaked to limit its power-seeking abilities.
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