The Times Are Changing


HB Heisman
Mar 18, 2021

Was having dinner with some friends from downtown st louis the other day and this exact topic came up. Two (black) guys had voted blue their whole lives and said they were thinking about voting for Trump before bc of how bad biden/harris have been but that the assassination attempt on Trump has them (and their families) all in on Trump. Biden was down 20 points with the black and Hispanic community before the violent leftist attack. I don't imagine running the descendent of a Jamaican slaver is going to help democrats earn that black vote back tbh
same vibe

Was having dinner with some friends from downtown st louis the other day and this exact topic came up. Two (black) guys had voted blue their whole lives and said they were thinking about voting for Trump before bc of how bad biden/harris have been but that the assassination attempt on Trump has them (and their families) all in on Trump. Biden was down 20 points with the black and Hispanic community before the violent leftist attack. I don't imagine running the descendent of a Jamaican slaver is going to help democrats earn that black vote back tbh
Didn't happen.
People surprised that the birth place of black lives matter is anti Kamala given BLM just formal denounced her and the entire democratic party? Wild.
People surprised that the birth place of black lives matter is anti Kamala given BLM just formal denounced her and the entire democratic party? Wild.
Wait a minute..... THE BLM?! Holy shit! Big if true.
I thought Rs were against the Bureau of Land Management and wanted the government to open up the parks to fracking and selling it off to oil companies?