Listen closely those of you who are listening in the liberal media. The Jewish people are not occupying the land of Israel; they own the land of Israel. The truth about Israel is God gave the land of Israel to Abraham in an eternal blood covenant 4,000 years ago. The land of Israel belonged to the Jewish people then, it belongs to the Jewish people today and it will belong to the Jewish people forever. The land is their land. -- John Hagee
In the United States roughly a third of the population believes that every word of the bible is literally true. If the bible is literally true then the land of Israel was promised to the Jews by God and they have every right to take it over from the usurpers. -- Noam Chomsky
In the United States roughly a third of the population believes that every word of the bible is literally true. If the bible is literally true then the land of Israel was promised to the Jews by God and they have every right to take it over from the usurpers. -- Noam Chomsky