The unanswered question of our time: is bigfoot real?

The Mountain Gorilla (Silverback) was just a legend of the local people until their discovery by western scientists in 1902. They live at elevations of 8,000 to 13,000 feet. They also live in family pods. If Bigfoot or Yeti is a solitary creature, they would be that much more difficult to find.
Ghosts are certain. UFO's are certain. Bigfoots were certain but went extinct.
So is it possible that Bigfoot is extinct.....and what is witnessed of them are their manifestations.

I know a paranormal investigator. He once floated that theory by me. Some people say NO because of the footprints and that too was my first reaction. He explained physical footprints as no different than when an entity is able to make a physical even happen such as moving an object.
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So is it possible that Bigfoot is extinct.....and what is witnessed of them are their manifestations.

I know a paranormal investigator. He once floated that theory by me. Some people say NO because of the footprints and that too was my first reaction. He explained physical footprints as no different than when an entity is able to make a physical even happen such as moving an object.
Are you serious or are you making reference to a ghost busters movie?
Are you serious or are you making reference to a ghost busters movie?
The paranormal investigator was being serious with me. FTR. The investigator has no opinion to the theory as BF being a paranormal entity...that is outside of his role. Contrary to popular belief...his job is to investigate and document to see if the situation is merely a non paranormal circumstance causing the problem. The majority of the time he is able to find non paranormal explanations and even when he cannot...he merely reports what it is not and document what he did observe....not speculate at what it is.
I don't think they're real, but I think it's possible. I'm not sure the "never found a body" or never gotten video aspect holds up to me. As others have mentioned, people have no idea just how vast and untouched the wilderness is in parts of this country and Canada. But in addition, even when there are people, the wilderness is incredibly dense.

It's not uncommon at all for hikers to get a very little ways off the trail, and never be found again. The body can't be found, close off a common trail, and even having a relatively small area to search in and hundreds of searchers.

Or hikers who have died of thirst or hypothermia, and they are found just like a mile off a major trail or civilization, but they weren't able to find their way out. The denseness and enveloping aspect of the wilderness is just not appreciated.

The biggest argument against it is probably the estimation of how large the community would need to be for genetic diversity. If you believe a bigfoot community could thrive with about 50 members, then yeah I think it's totally plausible for them to go unseen in North America. But I think most estimates are more like 500-1000 in a community to thrive. To me, that starts to push it. Based on large primates, the amount of food required for 1000+ bigfoots seems to stretch the possibility that they could exist for so long without proof. Especially if you figure that you'd think over time they'd either have boom periods where their population exploded, in which they'd be more likely to be discovered, or decline to the point of not having the genetic diversity to survive.

I do think the vast majority of sightings are false, as they take place in areas that are way too populated for a community to survive in great enough numbers to be undiscovered.
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UFO: Sure, there’s plenty of unidentified flying objects. Are they actually extraterrestrial? Lol, no.
Bigfoot: lol, no.
Ghosts: lol, no.
LOL. Especially extraterrestrial. You think in this entire universe of trillions and trillions of miles...we're it? Hell, our government is basically admitting they are out there now.
LOL. Especially extraterrestrial. You think in this entire universe of trillions and trillions of miles...we're it? Hell, our government is basically admitting they are out there now.

RE: UFO’s. I didn’t say we are it. Read what was written.
Ghosts I don't believe in. But I know intelligent people that have stories. I am more open on UFO's and aliens, especially aliens. I do believe there are aliens out there, but most likely to far away to come to Earth. But there are a lot of videos of unexplained things flying that defy what human aviation can do.