CBS will Air Story on Kelby Telander/Kid Captain/The Wave prior to the Sep 7 ISU kick off. Kelby/The Wave also featured on the Today Show in Oct 2023


HB King
Nov 3, 2012
Heaven, Iowa
August 18, 2024 Update:


Check this out & watch:


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We need to remember that these are good kids out there playing a sport they love for
our entertainment.

Also, I had no idea Carson Daly was still employed.
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What a terrific, uplifting story. Seeing Kelby going from the Kid Captain, to now a player on the team and embracing today's kid captain's is inspiring. It also goes to show just how impactful being a Kid Captain is to these kids. Add on The Wave, and our university has a lot to be proud of.
I've said this a million times, probably in this thread.

I taught and coached Kelby. He is genuinely a great guy and a fantastic representative of the Hawks. This will be a great watch. He is a great athlete and probably would have been recruited differently had he not had an accident his senior year at his house. He is so instinctive that his hearing disability doesn't impact him nearly as much as you may think. I am cheering HARD for Kelby to get time!

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