There is crazy right wing in this land and there is also super crazy right wing

"It is the husband's responsibility to hold the hands of their wives while the seed bearer 'spreads his seed.' In layman terms, the husband is required to sit in the room while the chosen seed bearer, or a couple of them, rape his wife or wives," according to the document.
Congratulations Brandon from the Lounge and football board. You are no longer the most "special" of posters. Jscott has taken the title.
It's destructive to our political system to give cults a left wing/right wing affiliation.

There is left wing and there is right wing. . . there is left wing extremists and there are right wing extremists. . .

And there are people who are just bat crap crazy. And this is one of those cases.

For the record there are a lot of people who are none of the above.
Warren Jeffs at it from jail. Seed bearers impregnate or rapte the husband's wife, while the husband holds her hand.

"It is the husband's responsibility to hold the hands of their wives while the seed bearer 'spreads his seed.' In layman terms, the husband is required to sit in the room while the chosen seed bearer, or a couple of them, rape his wife or wives," according to the document.

Is it ok to get a BJ from her while the seed bearer is planting his seed? I mean, oral isn't going to get her pregnant so it should be fine...amirte???

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