"There is nobody in Syria we are for", David Frum


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Wonderful quote from Mr. Frum on NPR's On Point this morning. He noted that he is not one to defend Barack Obama, but, who or what group do the President's detractors want to succeed in Syria? They are all odious. Until there is a verified way to a political settlement why be worried that Russia will get stuck in a quagmire?
Wonderful quote from Mr. Frum on NPR's On Point this morning. He noted that he is not one to defend Barack Obama, but, who or what group do the President's detractors want to succeed in Syria? They are all odious. Until there is a verified way to a political settlement why be worried that Russia will get stuck in a quagmire?

I think his detractors are anti-Assad.

That doesn't mean we are pro-ISIS,(you know, the good ISIS) who we are arming.

The Administrations policy in Syria ridiculous. Doing nothing at all would be better than our current strategy.

Now that Russia has moved in, BHO has been placed in check-mate.

He can't stop without looking beaten. He cannot escalate without looking like "Bush".
I think his detractors are anti-Assad.

That doesn't mean we are pro-ISIS,(you know, the good ISIS) who we are arming.

The Administrations policy in Syria ridiculous. Doing nothing at all would be better than our current strategy.

Now that Russia has moved in, BHO has been placed in check-mate.

He can't stop without looking beaten. He cannot escalate without looking like "Bush".
He stopped the rebel training program just today.
They can hardly be on the verge of a quagmire. Russia was invited into Syria. Obama's incursion is unwanted and thus illegal. Syria is in Russia's backyard, not ours. Who the F do these psychopaths think they are going around toppling governments, murdering millions and destroying economies?
I think his detractors are anti-Assad.

That doesn't mean we are pro-ISIS,(you know, the good ISIS) who we are arming.

The Administrations policy in Syria ridiculous. Doing nothing at all would be better than our current strategy.

Now that Russia has moved in, BHO has been placed in check-mate.

He can't stop without looking beaten. He cannot escalate without looking like "Bush".
Quick, name the group that will unite Syria and bring peace to Syria.
The ME has been a barbaric mess for 6,000 years.
How many thousands of miles is it from New York? Your puerile response does not give our leaders the green light to maim innocents. Washington is violating international law.
How many thousands of miles is it from New York? Your puerile response does not give our leaders the green light to maim innocents. Washington is violating international law.

That's not my stance Chet. Thanks anyways.
Who's Chet?

I believe this is the reason why "we" haven't gotten involved here as much as some think we should have. Those we aid use that aid against us sooner or later. The cycle of futility has to stop sometime and some where. Unfortunately, people will suffer because of this decision. But people would suffer if we intervened, also.
I've posted this before but I think what we're seeing throughout the middle-east is "be careful what you wish for because you just might get it".

Saddam-horrible dictator--removed--chaos ensues
Qadafi (sp?) --horrible dictator--removed--chaos ensues
Assad--horrible dictator--tried to remove him--civil war/chaos ensues
Mubarrek--virtual dictator--removed--Muslim brotherhood takes over--military throws them out--basically have a military dictatorship that's more repressive than the Mubarek regime.

Just seems like these countries that were basically created in the aftermath of WW1 with the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire actually needed strong arm dictators to keep them stable/together. The "great" powers that diced up the Ottoman empire never considered the ethnic/religious schisms that were present in these artificial "countries". We're seeing the results of those decisions made a century ago....every bit as relevant to the current situation as the decisions/interventions made by the US. These power struggles/civil wars were pretty much going to happen sooner or later regardless of what the US did/has done.

(edit: Egypt/Libya not really part of the Ottoman break up but the same principle applies. Libya was taken from the Ottoman Empire by Italy prior to WW1 and Egypt "belonged" to the British empire after 1882....taken from the Ottomans)
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