These Are The 10 Most Ghetto Cities In Iowa

Have lived in or very close to three of the top five (4 out of 10 total). Denison was mentioned as well...I was born in Denison. I'm as ghetto as they come.
By itself, Wellington Heights within Cedar Rapids SE side should be on the list. Time check area as well. But, as an aggregate, CR does hit belong in the top 10 unless Quaker Oats shuts down or Rockwell Collins were to move.
The Wellington Heights part also jumps 1st Avenue to the NE side. Time Check is almost 50% green space since the flood.
The Wellington Heights part also jumps 1st Avenue to the NE side. Time Check is almost 50% green space since the flood.
The 'ghetto Hy-Vee' on 1st avenue east of Coe would make an interesting sociology experiment. The cool thing about Coe is even though the surrounding neighborhood is less than stellar the campus itself, as small as it is, is quite insulated. There are some really bad elements living in the Wellington Heights neighborhood, no doubt about that. I have a couple of friends who live right on 19th St SE and it's funny how the housing is dramatically different west (toward downtown) compared with east (away).
You visited Venice? I've always wanted to visit Italy and especially Venice.
Yep. And this weekend I went to the Des Moines capitol building and they were talking about these mosaics there made in Murano right next to Venice. Its a small world.
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The 'ghetto Hy-Vee' on 1st avenue east of Coe would make an interesting sociology experiment. The cool thing about Coe is even though the surrounding neighborhood is less than stellar the campus itself, as small as it is, is quite insulated. There are some really bad elements living in the Wellington Heights neighborhood, no doubt about that. I have a couple of friends who live right on 19th St SE and it's funny how the housing is dramatically different west (toward downtown) compared with east (away).
That Hy Vee got a makeover a few years ago. Its nice-ish now.
Ottumwa- that is not Ottumwa in the photo, I'm thinking maybe it's Centerville or albia or bloomfield or corydon or something
Storm Lake's real dropout rate isn't 38 percent. The school district has a charter program in which instead of graduating in 4 years like normal, a kid can graduate in 5 years and they walk away with a high school diploma and and AA degree from Iowa Central. The program, as one would assume, is popular with many minority students, which Storm Lake has an abundance of. But even though these kids are getting the diploma and AA, they are classified as a dropout because they did not finish in 4 years.
I must say, I found the drop out rates to be extremely disturbing. Has the Democratic party stimulated this with all their freebies?
When I was at Coe way back in the 1980s the Hy-Vee was very interesting. I honestly haven't been in there for at least 15-20 years.

I am bummed that the Sip-n-Stir is no more. That was a nice little place back in the day.
When Brent Musburger came in to do Iowa games that was his go to bar.
Is Dolphin Enclave or Broadway St/Taylor Dr on the list? If not the list is incomplete.
Ottumwa- that is not Ottumwa in the photo, I'm thinking maybe it's Centerville or albia or bloomfield or corydon or something

The photo listed for Ottumwa is actually Fort Dodge. It was taken right on the east side of the Fort Dodge Library.
Storm Lake's real dropout rate isn't 38 percent. The school district has a charter program in which instead of graduating in 4 years like normal, a kid can graduate in 5 years and they walk away with a high school diploma and and AA degree from Iowa Central. The program, as one would assume, is popular with many minority students, which Storm Lake has an abundance of. But even though these kids are getting the diploma and AA, they are classified as a dropout because they did not finish in 4 years.
After seeing several other towns, I have a hard time even putting Storm Lake in that top ten.
Take a stroll away from the deep part of the city and many would agree it isn't close to several on this list.
Not sure I would compare Fort Dodge to Ottumwa and Waterloo ... Fort Dodge is actually a "hub" city for many small towns in NW Iowa. Downtown FD is much, much nicer and cleaner than some of these other towns mentioned.

FD is very blue collar ... That being said, it also has a nice hospital, plenty of restaurants, and has received various awards in the past 10 years ...

FD has been in the news quite a bit with acts of violence and robberies, but overall, it's a decent small town in Iowa ... I was born there but haven't lived there for 25 years ... Every so often I get back that way and will assure you, FD is much nicer than many of the holes mentioned in this piece.
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That will be the end of the Council Bluffs jokes, although we still are #1 in crime.

#1 BABY!
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Cedar Rapids around Coe and Mercy could be on there.

I delivered mail for the USPS one summer while at UNI and my territory was Waterloo. Had a route no one else wanted. One area of the route always had to be done first thing (around 9am) because most of them were asleep. At that time food stamps were mailed out and had to be signed for-- there were some interesting people and clothing choices coming to the door those first weeks of every month.
The 'ghetto Hy-Vee' on 1st avenue east of Coe would make an interesting sociology experiment. The cool thing about Coe is even though the surrounding neighborhood is less than stellar the campus itself, as small as it is, is quite insulated. There are some really bad elements living in the Wellington Heights neighborhood, no doubt about that. I have a couple of friends who live right on 19th St SE and it's funny how the housing is dramatically different west (toward downtown) compared with east (away).

Before I switched majors at the U of I, I lived on the edge of Wellington Heights (behind a KFC) for a semester in college while I did a work/study downtown. One night I was walking home from work late and just missed being beaten and mugged by about 5 minutes, as a man walking the same route 5 minutes behind me suffered such a fate according to the news. Another time, a dead hooker was found stuffed under the porch of the house next door. Did that experience ever motivate me to finish school and get a good job so I could never have to deal with that again!

As far as the list, without Council-tucky it is a joke. Maquoketa and Storm Lake might have unemployment problems, but in no way are the people "ghetto". Same with Storm Lake. Though they hit it on the head with Keokuk and the Iowa panhandle. Hell, you could probably throw north up to Clinton in there. And what about Pochahontas County? It's like the Republican, redneck wild west up there.
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