Is so much more enjoyable when muskie5 is not posting. Been a few days since I've seen any of his posts and it's great.
Is so much more enjoyable when muskie5 is not posting. Been a few days since I've seen any of his posts and it's great.
Is so much more enjoyable when muskie5 is not posting. Been a few days since I've seen any of his posts and it's great.
You do realize you can read the boards without being a member???You've made this determination after being a member for 6 days?
So you became a member to post this?You do realize you can read the boards without being a member???
You do realize you can read the boards without being a member???
Then why do you ask that it took 6 days genius?Really?????
Then why do you ask that it took 6 days genius?
Considering it cost nothing, yes it was.I guess this topic was worth signing up for.
You've made this determination after being a member for 6 days?