This day in History


HR Heisman
Aug 19, 2006
A boat carrying 937 refugees, almost all of whom are Jews fleeing Nazi persecution, is turned away from Havana, Cuba, on May 27, 1939. Only 28 immigrants are admitted into the country. After appeals to the United States and Canada for entry are denied, the rest are forced to sail back to Germany. Almost all died in camps.
A boat carrying 937 refugees, almost all of whom are Jews fleeing Nazi persecution, is turned away from Havana, Cuba, on May 27, 1939. Only 28 immigrants are admitted into the country. After appeals to the United States and Canada for entry are denied, the rest are forced to sail back to Germany. Almost all died in camps.
Is this before or after FDR set up concentration camps for Japanese citizens?
A boat carrying 937 refugees, almost all of whom are Jews fleeing Nazi persecution, is turned away from Havana, Cuba, on May 27, 1939. Only 28 immigrants are admitted into the country. After appeals to the United States and Canada for entry are denied, the rest are forced to sail back to Germany. Almost all died in camps.
Link says 254 killed which is still horrible but better than "almost all".
A boat carrying 937 refugees, almost all of whom are Jews fleeing Nazi persecution, is turned away from Havana, Cuba, on May 27, 1939. Only 28 immigrants are admitted into the country. After appeals to the United States and Canada for entry are denied, the rest are forced to sail back to Germany. Almost all died in camps.

The link indicates that they were not forced to sail back to Germany.
How does one “sail back to Germany”?
Thats It Martin Short GIF by PBS SoCal
A boat carrying 937 refugees, almost all of whom are Jews fleeing Nazi persecution, is turned away from Havana, Cuba, on May 27, 1939. Only 28 immigrants are admitted into the country. After appeals to the United States and Canada for entry are denied, the rest are forced to sail back to Germany. Almost all died in camps.

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