this IOWA STATE thread is different - it's about education

Ha, but did you know Home Ec, or whatever it's called now, has been a favorite major of male ISU athletes.
Originally posted by IamHawkeye:
Ha, but did you know Home Ec, or whatever it's called now, has been a favorite major of male ISU athletes.
Well they do need something to fall back on when the Pros don't come calling.
Originally posted by HRiscool:

Originally posted by IamHawkeye:
Ha, but did you know Home Ec, or whatever it's called now, has been a favorite major of male ISU athletes.
Well they do need something to fall back on when the Pros don't come calling.
How else did they learn to make the pizza they deliver?
Actual Joel Hodgson quote: "Iowa State, the high school AFTER high school."

Lone Clone, we're just havin some good natured yucks.
Originally posted by HRiscool:
Actual Joel Hodgson quote: "Iowa State, the high school AFTER high school."

Lone Clone, we're just havin some good natured yucks.
Have you ever watched the whole thing? I have a copy. It's absolutely hilarious.

It's also a nostalgic look at a much, much different time....hell, it's from about 15 years before LC was there!
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by HRiscool:
Actual Joel Hodgson quote: "Iowa State, the high school AFTER high school."

Lone Clone, we're just havin some good natured yucks.
Have you ever watched the whole thing? I have a copy. It's absolutely hilarious.

It's also a nostalgic look at a much, much different time....hell, it's from about 15 years before LC was there!
When I watched I was struck by the comment that the parents were deciding if they could afford to send their daughter to college. Of course, a lot of parents had to and have to figure out how they can send their kids to college, but this seemed to be "she's a girl, she doesn't need to go to college, but she wants to, so we'll let her." This was a prevailing attitude then in some circles. And the movie was careful to show that what a home ec major learns carries over into married life for a woman. (While the hubby sits in his easy chair!!!)
I believe the preferred declared major for many of the JukeTrans at ISU is 'Family Sciences'. One Clone roster I saw a few months ago had it listed for about 5 or 6 of Fred's players. WTF is Family Sciences? Whatever it is, that department must be rapidly expanding given that PR has decided to follow Fred's lead and bring in a bunch of jucos every year.
Originally posted by GnarlyBoy:
I believe the preferred declared major for many of the JukeTrans at ISU is 'Family Sciences'. One Clone roster I saw a few months ago had it listed for about 5 or 6 of Fred's players. WTF is Family Sciences? Whatever it is, that department must be rapidly expanding given that PR has decided to follow Fred's lead and bring in a bunch of jucos every year.
Family and Consumer Sciences is the new name for Home Economics. And the athletes majoring in it didn't start with Fred. I saw FB players listed before Fred ever came to ISU.

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