This is why Iowa...

Politics is not a TV program. Iowa has a caucus system. It has been bastardized and modified to make it something it was never intended to be. What Iowa is, is first in the nation.....that is what the media they want it to be something else. Sorry. If Iowa goes to a "primary" system....Iowa will never be first. The only thing special about Iowa is that it is first.
I dont care where Iowa goes.....I ain't moving.
Politics is not a TV program. Iowa has a caucus system. It has been bastardized and modified to make it something it was never intended to be. What Iowa is, is first in the nation.....that is what the media they want it to be something else. Sorry. If Iowa goes to a "primary" system....Iowa will never be first. The only thing special about Iowa is that it is first.
I dont care where Iowa goes.....I ain't moving.

Good post:

Incidentally I have been intending to compliment you on your new avator! Two USC cheerleaders at the same time! That is the stuff that legends are made of.
They take an already outdated formula and make it worse with an "app" that didn't work as intended.

The DNC needs to strip Iowa of their status. What a massive eff up!

And the Dems become the Party ridiculed because the GOP already had their nominee.
Yeah, any Iowa Republicans rejoicing in the Dems ineptitude are misguided. You think the narrative and takeaway will focus on democrats' incompetence? Nope. It's "IOWA incompetence." You already have a national media that resents the fact that they have to fly into the cornfields of Iowa so often and that Iowa of all places has a strong voice in the process. You also have a national media that would like nothing more than to marginalize middle America in favor of the Urban elite on the coasts.

Not a good look for the state of Iowa. Period.
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The big negative going forward, if indeed Iowa is stripped of the first contest, is from an economic standpoint. The commerce generated is in the millions of $$$.

Someone is getting sued for the "app" screw up.
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Tonite's delay and confusion is why the caucuses are stupid. They either need to go the primary vote format or relinquish that "first in the nation" status.

Iowa is the laughingstock!

Yes - the whole world came together last night and finally agreed on something - IOWA SUCKS. Great moment.
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Politics is not a TV program. Iowa has a caucus system. It has been bastardized and modified to make it something it was never intended to be. What Iowa is, is first in the nation.....that is what the media they want it to be something else. Sorry. If Iowa goes to a "primary" system....Iowa will never be first. The only thing special about Iowa is that it is first.
I dont care where Iowa goes.....I ain't moving.

If Iowa goes primary should move to Super Tuesday
Another fact that makes this screw up even more puzzling is that the reports are stating that the turnout wasn't anywhere near a record. It was in the range of 2016... which was down nearly 70,000 from 2008.

If the participation would have been near a record... they could have "spun it" that way.
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Just moved to Rank Choice voting with 3 options. Pick your #1, #2, #3. It is kind of in the spirit of a caucus but also has the benefit of being speedy like a primary.
Caucus system also kills the right to having your vote remain private. I personally hope this does kill the whole system and that Iowa loses it first in the nation status.
Caucus system also kills the right to having your vote remain private. I personally hope this does kill the whole system and that Iowa loses it first in the nation status.

My wife went to caucus (the voting kind) last night and said the people who were the chairs or cheerleaders for the candidates (or whatever their position is called) were freaking awful speakers and horrible at trying to get their sales pitch for their candidates across.

LOL, the whole caucus system just sounds like amateur hour.
Caucus system also kills the right to having your vote remain private. I personally hope this does kill the whole system and that Iowa loses it first in the nation status.
“Caucuses” were never intended to pick candidates....your picking delegates to the county is a place where Democrats share ideas and preferences. It was never intended to be an election, per se.
My wife went to caucus (the voting kind) last night and said the people who were the chairs or cheerleaders for the candidates (or whatever their position is called) were freaking awful speakers and horrible at trying to get their sales pitch for their candidates across.

LOL, the whole caucus system just sounds like amateur hour.
I want it scrapped. One person, one vote. It's the simplest and fairest way of voting.
“Caucuses” were never intended to pick candidates....your picking delegates to the county is a place where Democrats share ideas and preferences. It was never intended to be an election, per se.
Agreed. But the way we vote and the expectation of individuals deciding who becomes the nominee over party officials has changed. Which is why caucuses no longer make sense.
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My wife went to caucus (the voting kind) last night and said the people who were the chairs or cheerleaders for the candidates (or whatever their position is called) were freaking awful speakers and horrible at trying to get their sales pitch for their candidates across.

LOL, the whole caucus system just sounds like amateur hour.
It is. As intended. Imagine the bitchin’ if these meetings were being run but political pros.
It’s a no win situation.
I want it scrapped. One person, one vote. It's the simplest and fairest way of voting.

I want everything, even the general election, to be rank choice. This approach immediately bumps the profile of 3rd party candidates and IMO helps to decrease the impact/importance of money in politics. It also gets rid of the "lesser of two evils" mentality that much of our voting public seems to be operating in.

Put another way it helps to breakup our two party political monopolies. If monopolies are bad, and they are, then we shouldn't keep a system in place that helps these monopolies dominate our political landscape.
Agreed. But the way we vote and the expectation of individuals deciding who becomes the nominee over party officials has changed. Which is why caucuses no longer make sense.
I understand. These caucuses are now doing things they were never intended to do. This “ first in the nation” is a money grab and plays well into the inferiority complex most Iowans carry with them in their daily lives.
I want everything, even the general election, to be rank choice. This approach immediately bumps the profile of 3rd party candidates and IMO helps to decrease the impact/importance of money in politics. It also gets rid of the "lesser of two evils" mentality that much of our voting public seems to be operating in.
Meaning that we do away with the whole electoral college and make everyone's ballot ranked choice?
Meaning that we do away with the whole electoral college and make everyone's ballot ranked choice?

I will take that as a trade off. If we are not going to go Rank Choice then the EC needs to stay. If RC happens there is no need for the EC...JMO.

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