The coach's kids getting favoritism in playing time is fair game for criticism. Fran is paid $3 million a year to maximize the team performance not to maximize his kid's playing time and his own enjoyment in being able to see them play for him. There clearly is a Fran rule that there has to be at least 1 McCaffery on the floor at all times....the last two games given how poorly the starters played and the 1st two backups Sandfort and PMAC played poorly, it is a wonder that Fran didn't take the opportunity to bench some guys and play more Dix/Bowen/Mulvey..but Fran never benches his two boys and CMAC is a 3 year starter when his talent says he should have been coming off the bench for the past 3 years.
This team is doing okay and probably was winning a little more than its talent and we are merely reverting to the average. This is a 3ball shooting team that wins or loses based on how the 3ball is dropping. They don't play great defense, don't rebound exceptionally well, don't drive the ball well, don't have much in paint scoring. We're on track for a little bit above 0.500 B1G season, and maybe 1 win in BTT and maybe 1 win in NCAA this is what is defined as a successful season by Fran Fans and no worries. If they do manage to Fade and miss the NCAA tourney, then expect more complaining from the usual suspects, but in the end it is all noise because this is just an opinion board.