This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

It would be great if they could be found and HIMARSed.


I'd bet you could develop an "audio sensor" to hone in on that drone sound once fired and could get a 100% kill rate with it. Like bat echolocation, only tuned to the sound of their loud engines.

Get that attached to something that doesn't need to "fly fast", since these drones are slow, anyway.

Now that small radar profile doesn't matter.

EDIT: Ever see the guys on the NFL fields with the parabolic "cones" to catch on-field audio and amplify it? That's how this stuff works. Not difficult at all to make something directional. Works just like "beamforming" microwaves, only on audio frequencies...hell, you could have separate "overflying" surveillance drones with that tech, and lasers to guide standard missiles, which would even be a faster solution....because you use existing missiles that are fast as shit...
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It would be great if they could be found and HIMARSed.

Clean, healthy looking, their equipment/gear look modern/new...

The picture looks like a vacation picture...

Wife of Kremlin spokesman spotted vacationing in Tel Aviv, NGO claims​

Israeli Friends of Ukraine says it is 'absurd' that Tatiana Navka wife of Russian propagandist is allowed in for private vacation, while 'Israel makes it difficult for Ukrainian refugees to enter'; Foreign Ministry 'not familiar' with issue​

Itamar Eichner |
Published: 10.18.22, 11:22

The wife of Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was spotted vacationing in Israel despite sanctions imposed on the family by the West, a pro-Ukrainian NGO said Tuesday.
According to Israeli Friends of Ukraine, the former Russian ice dancer and 2006 Olympic champion Tatiana Navka spent the last few days at the David Hotel Kempinski in Tel Aviv.

Money talks, yo!!!
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I would have zero issues with the US or other NATO forces running air strikes on Iran's defense industry sites. Cut them off at the source. Who is going to stop us?

Every Iranian drone spotted in Ukraine = New Hit on Iranian defense industry site or military site.

Want us to quit blowing up your shit? Quit handing it off to Putin. Easy Peasy.
That shift in strategy is forcing Ukraine to take countermeasures, some of which could impact its ability to continue the pace of its counteroffensives.

They do not need the air defense systems for their counteroffensives.

So, I don't see how this impacts their military plans, at all. Of course, if Sen Minority Leader is successful in "cutting off aid to Ukraine", instead of providing the needed air defenses, I can see that having a very large impact on the war...
Gonna hunker down behind the river...pretty formidable barrier.

With the way things have been going probably a prudent move by the Russians.
I think the biggest problem the Russkies have at this stage is their artillery is out ranged.
Im reading about single HIMARS rockets being used in counter battery.
Sitting on the eastern bank isn’t that great a defensive position if you’re under artillery fire, and your artillery can’t be brought into range.
It would be great if they could be found and HIMARSed.

Yeah, as I watched them play army in the staged video, I kept wishing a hovering drone would just drop a small bomb on them.
I equate Russian citizens to victims of abuse. They've been living under a bunch of despotic leaders since what.....ever?


Not excusing their attitudes but at least provides an explanation.
I know. But until there is a revolution, their misguided judgement will create more Putins.
Not sure if this is old info or not.

"German #Waffenlieferungen to #Ukraine Rybar published the overview of #Deutschland 's arms deliveries to Ukraine yesterday. What you see there is very interesting and sometimes frightening..."

Yes, but are our allies? So much of our oil for us and allies is still coming from OPEC and especially to Europe from Russia.
We cannot domestically replace Middle-East oil for world markets.

Particularly when ours comes out of the ground at closer to $100/barrel (or more), whereas the OPEC nations can produce for a mere fraction of that.
I truly worry that Putin's sole intent right now is to drag and prolong the war until after the new Congress takes over in hopes that military aid to Ukraine will diminish.

It's already been hinted that Republicans will not continue the current level of military assistance.

Our resident GOPers keep telling us "this won't happen", even though their own SenateHouse Minority Leader is telling them it's exactly what's going to happen.

"We'll never overturn's the law of the land, and settled case law"...

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Maybe you didn't listen to what Elon said when you said: "Hard to believe this was ever a controversial take." He said "the fighter jet era has passed" - as in past tense. He didn't say that "unmanned has been the future of the air for awhile."

The era of the drone is the future of ground warfare.

Not aerial warfare and power projection.

US Navy isn't replacing their carrier airpower with drones. For probably several decades, if ever.