Those with thin skin don't watch, but gotta give credit where it is due:

This is the same silly that's been going around for lots of folks. Don't bother. That its from Tiggs is no surprise.
I see the guy with thin skin didn't heed my warning. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I enjoyed the humor of it. I just posted what it was about, who created it, and who shared it here. And honestly if i could think of posters on the wrestling boards with thin skin MSU158 would be one of the first names to come up. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you aswell!
Funny that someone outside of here cares that much. Tells me maybe that line up does make them a tad nervous. Why? Cause they went to such trouble to say it doesn’t. Am I saying we will win with that lineup. Anything is possible and it will all depend on who shows up in March. As we know there are never any upsets in March. Yes I am saying that even with that lineup it would be an upset for us to win. I have to agree with Wildturk about those that have some thin skin though.
Yeah that caption generator has been around for years, but only became relevant again because of Luther's video. Like they do in most other situations, the PSU faithful need someone from Iowa to show them how to do something. Like, I don't know, build a successful wrestling program.

My skin is as thick as they come, but there was really nothing funny about the video. I think it was extremely predictable and lacked even a hint of a witty comment.
I normally like MSU and his contrarian take on anything pro Iowa. He is pretty subtle in his digs and arguments, but I can certainly understand why some people attack him so often and why he is on ignore for many. This is a typical tool job, posting this.

My new years resolution might be to stop finding reasons to like MSU as a poster. It would be a pretty easy one to keep.
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I normally like MSU and his contrarian take on anything pro Iowa. He is pretty subtle in his digs and arguments, but I can certainly understand why some people attack him so often and why he is on ignore for many. This is a typical tool job, posting this.

My new years resolution might be to stop finding reasons to like MSU as a poster. It would be a pretty easy one to keep.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I enjoyed the humor of it. I just posted what it was about, who created it, and who shared it here. And honestly if i could think of posters on the wrestling boards with thin skin MSU158 would be one of the first names to come up. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you aswell!

Sadly, my skin is actually ridiculously tough. If I happen to rub across a rug or carpet they get MSU158 burn! Again, Happy Holidays!
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To be fair that video has been around for years.

Yea...Ive seen the Hitler video numerous times. Sure it’s just a coincidence that this version came out a couple of days after Luther’s was done and passed around Twitter and message boards. Had Luther not done his, it would be pretty funny.
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I'll stick up for MSU on this one. I like what he adds to this board.

As for the video, it was amusing, but not quite as witty as it could have been. I have seen literally dozens of these videos using this film clip, my favorites being about the back bowls at Vail being closed, and Iowa maybe going undefeated and bouncing a SEC team from the National championship playoff (prior to losing to MSU). Some are pretty hilarious.

Edit, looks like Chief has seen a few too
I think I enjoyed Luther's more, but the comments about ISU still sucking and the 3inch binder did get me to laugh out loud. If I were giving it a Sam Stoll ranking - Luther's would get a 8.7 and this one would get 83% of 8.7 or put simply a 7.221.
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