TIL UK heatwaves are high 70s

Season 9 Summer GIF by Friends
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On a more individual level, many Brits were left sweltering without any relief for one simple fact: less than 5% of homes in the U.K. have air-conditioning. It’s a sharp contrast to the U.S., where the figure hovers above a whopping 90%.

Why have ac when the temp rarely breaks 80? I learned this watching a video where some Brit was incredulous that we kept our ACs at 75 when they consider that hot.
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I'd just like to point out, having family in the area, the all time record high in Edinburgh, Scotland is like 78 degrees. That's ever, not the high for Aug 1st.

Those people are used to 62 degrees this time of year. 80 is shocking to their system.

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