Tip of cap to ISU for further demonstrating what is possible


HB Heisman
Oct 30, 2001
when you play tough and don't make excuses. I totally admire how they go about things, jucos, transfers, whatever. If Fred can make Ames sexy, it can be done about anywhere. When we pulled our standard btt no show I told a friend at least the Cylones (not calling them clowns anymore) would represent the state well in postseason, right along w UNI. And sure enough..... Not saying Fran isnt a decent coach but Fred just outclasses and outcompetes him in almost every way besides technical foul accumulation.

Hope Hawks can rebound from one of worst performances of season, but if they don't I can't believe im saying I will be rooting for Iowa State. Solid, fun team basketball. Good luck to all the Iowa teams.
Originally posted by EpenesaEpenesa:
Just enjoy selection Sunday and Iowa's name in the bracket. Jesus. Nothing matters anymore. Everyone has a clean slate.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yep. But many will miss out on the fun obsessing about things that are not real.
Bandwagon fans are still fans. Based upon actual attendance at Carver, Iowa could use them all. The Iowa basketball fanbase has become very fickle after a decade of failure in tournaments and not even making tournaments not counting the second class NIT.
Originally posted by HawkAttackDial911:
Bandwagon fans are still fans. Based upon actual attendance at Carver, Iowa could use them all. The Iowa basketball fanbase has become very fickle after a decade of failure in tournaments and not even making tournaments not counting the second class NIT.
Every team, pro or college, in every sport, has bandwagon fans...its part of the fun.
The op is not a Hawk fan. Go slobber on their board and stay off this one.

Mark my word...someday you will find out Fred isn't as classy as you think he is. We have already seen a glimpse when it became known the Ames police are supposed to check with Fred before accosting any of his players.

I'm has Fred.....who never coached a second at any level and was virtually unknown outside of to get blue chip players from Day 1 to come play at Ames....a school with virtually no major success in basketball? Hmmmmmmm.
Originally posted by 83Hawk:
The op is not a Hawk fan. Go slobber on their board and stay off this one.

Mark my word...someday you will find out Fred isn't as classy as you think he is. We have already seen a glimpse when it became known the Ames police are supposed to check with Fred before accosting any of his players.

I'm has Fred.....who never coached a second at any level and was virtually unknown outside of to get blue chip players from Day 1 to come play at Ames....a school with virtually no major success in basketball? Hmmmmmmm.

Thought for a while Hoibergh is a mix of Tressel and Tarkanian. Tressel, that on the surface he's the perfect angel but behind the scenes as dirty as they come. Tarkanian,well he recruits very similar.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
"Mark my word...someday you will find out Fred isn't as classy as you think he is. We have already seen a glimpse when it became known the Ames police are supposed to check with Fred before accosting any of his players.

I'm has Fred.....who never coached a second at any level and was virtually unknown outside of to get blue chip players from Day 1 to come play at Ames....a school with virtually no major success in basketball? "

LOL!!! Congrats! You win the best post ever. BTW, Fred has gotten one blue chipper while at ISU (Royce White) and after his issues I'm sure not many were recruiting him. And yes I'm sure the Ames Police contact Fred before they do anything to ISU players.

Congrats to Iowa on a good season and good luck in the tourney. I for one would love to see ISU, Iowa, and UNI do some damage in the tourney.
I have known Fred since 8th grade. He is a really good and genuin guy. So saying someday you will find out he is not that great will leave you waiting a long time. As for the blue chips coming to Iowa State. This has been mostly done with three and 4 star recruit. Except Royce who we all know that story. He is smart and knows that he needed to have some success before going after 5 star recruits. I think you will start seeing 5 stars in Ames though. First up is Cheick Diallo. They are currently recruiting Amir Coffey, malik monk, and Miles bridges. I dont think they will all come. However, i think they will get one of them.
Originally posted by JDarwin:
And yes I'm sure the Ames Police contact Fred before they do anything to ISU players..

This has been factually established by the Ames police on one occasion. So, I hope you don't mind if folks just assume it is likely there are other arrangements as well.

I'm afraid I'll have to echo the sentiments of others who feel there is something not quite right with the way Hoiberg finds players. Something that strikes me as being a risky way to do things.

My hope is that Hoiberg finds a job in the pros and is gone before he brings in a player that actually carries through on such threats as beating up a neighbor for complaining about noise.

You see, I'm not such an Iowa State Hater...I want what is best for you ungrateful little peons.
Why are you two (the ones above Dan) on this board?

This post was edited on 3/15 10:08 AM by 83Hawk
How did Kirk Ferentz take over a dumpster fire and turn it into a top 10 program within 5 years at a program that had virtually no success in football?

I love this loser mentality that the only way to get ahead is cheating. Thank goodness that the great achievers of the world do not listen to the "can't be done" crowd.

I'm sure the Clones hope that Hoiberg does not convert his team into the irrelevance that Iowa football is today.
Originally posted by 83Hawk:
The op is not a Hawk fan. Go slobber on their board and stay off this one.

Mark my word...someday you will find out Fred isn't as classy as you think he is. We have already seen a glimpse when it became known the Ames police are supposed to check with Fred before accosting any of his players.

I'm has Fred.....who never coached a second at any level and was virtually unknown outside of to get blue chip players from Day 1 to come play at Ames....a school with virtually no major success in basketball? Hmmmmmmm.
Hasn't there been a few players of Hoiberg's arrested? That arrangement must not be working too well.

So does that mean you don't Hayden Fry is classy?

Who were the bluechip players Hoiberg got from Day 1? I don't follow their recruiting and didn't realize he had raked in blue chippers.
Oh, the self-righteousness of the Hawkettes is wonderful. Do you know what UNI and the Hawks have in common?
They both made the cover of Sports Illustrated. UNI for playing good basketball and Iowa for having more players arrested than any team in the country (or maybe it was the Top Two). Helluva an honor.
Yea, the Hawkettes have a lot of room to talk. Maybe cops SHOULD have called Kirkfrenz a few more times.

And nothing like getting caught for DUI while riding a moped -- a freakin' MOPED! TWICE! That's lame. You Hawkettes should at least take up a collection and buy him a junker car. He could have killed himself!

Can't we just get along?
Originally posted by disgrig:
Oh, the self-righteousness of the Hawkettes is wonderful. Do you know what UNI and the Hawks have in common?
They both made the cover of Sports Illustrated. UNI for playing good basketball and Iowa for having more players arrested than any team in the country (or maybe it was the Top Two). Helluva an honor.
Yea, the Hawkettes have a lot of room to talk. Maybe cops SHOULD have called Kirkfrenz a few more times.

And nothing like getting caught for DUI while riding a moped -- a freakin' MOPED! TWICE! That's lame. You Hawkettes should at least take up a collection and buy him a junker car. He could have killed himself!

Can't we just get along?

You continue to get your facts wrong.

Clearly that doesn't matter to you.
Players want to go to the NBA. Fred worked in the front office of an NBA team. He knows what players need to do to get there, and that carries a lot of weight in recruiting.
Originally posted by soybean:
Originally posted by EpenesaEpenesa:
Just enjoy selection Sunday and Iowa's name in the bracket. Jesus. Nothing matters anymore. Everyone has a clean slate.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yep. But many will miss out on the fun obsessing about things that are not real.
Didn't wondergrape have a really long thread stating that the post-season doesn't matter, just the regular season?

Sometimes reality is cruel. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
