Yes, I am feeding him (@IowaNoRelevantWinsSince1960). Get over it.
Because our psych ward friend admires Iowa football so much, I thought we should return the favor and come up with our own list of usernames to dote similar affection on Nebraska. Feel free to add your own, roll your eyes, skip over the thread entirely, or leave some snarky comment. Whatever tickles your pickle.
Anyway, I will get the party started.
@MyMasturbationProblemWas SolvedByPaintingMyDickBlackNGoldSoINeverBeatItAgain
Because our psych ward friend admires Iowa football so much, I thought we should return the favor and come up with our own list of usernames to dote similar affection on Nebraska. Feel free to add your own, roll your eyes, skip over the thread entirely, or leave some snarky comment. Whatever tickles your pickle.
Anyway, I will get the party started.
@MyMasturbationProblemWas SolvedByPaintingMyDickBlackNGoldSoINeverBeatItAgain