
@torbee......Your get-together took place in the Village of
East Davenport. In the background is the historic Fire
Station #4. Am I correct on my observance?
Yup. Had a couple beers at Brew. Good food there too. I haven’t tried the new place next door (looks to maybe be a fancy cocktail place) but will soon.
We did exchange crab apple tree pruning tips.


This is the stuff I was talking about BTW, if you want to try to make a really nice tree out of that sprig.

You have a chance:

It's possible to propagate crab apple trees by taking softwood cuttings in late spring or early summer. Start crab apple cuttings after the flowers have fallen. More commonly crab apples are propagated by grafting.

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Feel bad Torbs, I guess I assumed he had real life non douche friends that he could hang out with on the weekends instead of having to go slumming on the interwebs. Sad.
Feel bad Torbs, I guess I assumed he had real life non douche friends that he could hang out with on the weekends instead of having to go slumming on the interwebs. Sad.
Sorry, this was not a weekend.

My weekend calendar is booked up plowing your mom in every orifice she has. BAU.

Oh by the way, she asked me to tell you: gwwwwwaaaaaaerrrrrrl.
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Now that the Santorum has drained and been cleaned up…

…will there be a 2nd date???
^ doesn't own a calendar
You posted the thread on friday afternoon but I guess any day of the week it would be pretty pathetic to accept random man dates on the interwebs with west end white trash. Probably some quad solidarity there I guess

I'd go for 30 more lbs, Torbee. Holy shit, I know Iowa winters are brutal but cmon man
You posted the thread on friday afternoon but I guess any day of the week it would be pretty pathetic to accept random man dates on the interwebs with west end white trash. Probably some quad solidarity there I guess

I'd go for 30 more lbs, Torbee. Holy shit, I know Iowa winters are brutal but cmon man
I'm a speedy 220 and dropping fast.

You do not sound like a happy person.

I hope you get the help you need. :)