Tractor Supply Co Turns Its Back On Woke


HB Legend
Mar 18, 2021

Tractor Supply Co, who has been experiencing a massive boycott for weeks has made a massive announcement and is doing a full 180 on woke policies. All DEI positions and programs are being eliminated and spending on non business priorities like pride is completely done. The employee portal also lost the previous pride propaganda.

Good to see a business respond to its actual customer base and employee grievances and not bend the knee to the 1% activist coalition that doesn't even know how a tractor operates anyways (honestly I'm not sure they even know where food comes from beyond the grocery store). Too bad for bud light that they didn't have the "courage" to make a statement and change like this. Woke is dying on the vine and it is so great to see.
Most companies need to rediscover what makes them successful. When the focus strays from business goals to social and political correctness, business will suffer. Treat everyone, employees and customers, well. Make everyone feel good, and not at the expense of how they identify. It's really that simple.
Bold Strategy Cotton GIF by MOODMAN
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Really stupid.

Yes. A pseudo religious political movement coopting the governance policies of major corporations is really stupid.

Courageous adults need to put a stop to it. Pride flags are political flags and should be treated as such. No place in businesses nor public schools. Tools of indoctrination.
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