Trevor Noah to replace Jon Stewart

I've liked his few appearances but I haven't seen anything that makes me think he has the chops to do what Stewart did. Of course he may have a completely different shtick. Apparently we'll find out.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
I've liked his few appearances but I haven't seen anything that makes me think he has the chops to do what Stewart did. Of course he may have a completely different shtick. Apparently we'll find out.
I kind of hope he comes at the show from a different angle. You can't imitate JS and expect to find success.

link to videos of stand up.
Is this the equivalent of the WWF getting a new announcer....yes, it is. Fake wrestling = snarky fake news = entertainment.
I sort of hope he goes for more social commentary and less politics. I'm not sure I'll appreciate having a South African critique our political institutions. I might get defensive.
I would love to have the new host rip politicians on both sides of the aisle so hard that I have know clue what his political affiliation is.

THAT is something i wouldn't miss.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:
Is this the equivalent of the WWF getting a new announcer....yes, it is. Fake wrestling = snarky fake news = entertainment.
Lol, why do you hate this show so much? Honestly, what bothers you about it? I've never quite understood neocons obsession with this show. I heard from someone the other day (who would know) that Bill O has a huge problem with John Oliver. I just can't fathom why, other than maybe John Oliver, you know, actually researches things and presents facts instead of opining about everything like Bill does.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I sort of hope he goes for more social commentary and less politics. I'm not sure I'll appreciate having a South African critique our political institutions. I might get defensive.
How do you feel about John Oliver's show? I like it. I got tired of him always saying "moving on, moving on" but his more serious bits have been excellent, and his funny bits are good, too. But he's a Brit critiquing American politics.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I sort of hope he goes for more social commentary and less politics. I'm not sure I'll appreciate having a South African critique our political institutions. I might get defensive.
How do you feel about John Oliver's show? I like it. I got tired of him always saying "moving on, moving on" but his more serious bits have been excellent, and his funny bits are good, too. But he's a Brit critiquing American politics.
I don't watch it. Might have to check into it. But I could imagine feeling like I need to stick up for congress if some 30 year old guy who has lived in the US for Just a couple years starts lecturing them. It's kind of like family. I can call my brother a dumb ass, but you better not. Americans can call Obama a fool, but some South African better not.
Originally posted by What Do?:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I sort of hope he goes for more social commentary and less politics.  I'm not sure I'll appreciate having a South African critique our political institutions.  I might get defensive. 
How do you feel about John Oliver's show?  I like it.  I got tired of him always saying "moving on, moving on" but his more serious bits have been excellent, and his funny bits are good, too.  But he's a Brit critiquing American politics.
He's a Brit but he acts and talks like a U.S. citizen. Which he probably is
Posted from Rivals Mobile
First the replacement for the Colbert Show and now this. Comedy Central is going to look like the BET Network
I don't care about shows like this (nor do I care about the right-leaning ones).

That said, this guy made a bad impression from the start with his whole "Hands up don't shoot" pose and saying he never felt like he needed to be more afraid of the police in America than in South Africa. He also said our racial situation was as bad as theirs during apartheid, which to his credit, Stewart evidently called him out on. The crowd apparently didn't laugh at much of this either.
Originally posted by Pepperman:
I don't care about shows like this (nor do I care about the right-leaning ones).

That said, this guy made a bad impression from the start with his whole "Hands up don't shoot" pose and saying he never felt like he needed to be more afraid of the police in America than in South Africa. He also said our racial situation was as bad as theirs during apartheid, which to his credit, Stewart evidently called him out on. The crowd apparently didn't laugh at much of this either.
I can imagine this being another problem. When Stewart made references to his personal life as a New York Jew, many Americans are familiar with that basic story line and could relate. Other than Apartheid and Mandela what do Americans know about South Africa? He's going to need to deliver an sociology lesson just so we understand why his jokes are funny.
Now there are a lot of tweets being uncovered where he seems to make fun of Jews.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

She should host.
I'd watch. She's actually pretty funny. Her appearance on Between Two Ferns was hilarious.

At the very least they should make her a correspondent. Their official bikini correspondent.

"I hope your dog dies"

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