Back when I was in high school, the garage my dad worked at had the contact with the city/county to do the clean up every time that bridge ate a truck...I got paid $200 to help move the cargo from the crashed truck to another one...worst was the laundry was either the Oscar Mayer or the beer truck...
North Carolina has a section of low clearance bridges on I-95. There's an "Over height detector" before you get to it and a sign will flash warnings to trucks that are too tall to take the detour.
GPS systems plays a role here. Why look at a map, or read signs when you can surf the internet while driving? The GPS will tell you when and where to turn. Standard systems don't tell every danger to big trucks, just cars.
I first stumbled across the website a few years ago, when there was a story about it on one of the nightly news shows. Highly entertaining. You can tell by the impact - and the way the front wheels come off the ground - that some of them are hauling ass right up until they suddenly weren't.
Keep in mind every time that happens a driver figures they should just ease forward. They got this. It’s probably just scraping the paint. They’re good.