Trump Announces his “Campaign 2024” song….


HR King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
Johnny Cash’s , “I Got Stripes”….

On a Monday I was arrested
In a Tuesday they kicked me in jail
On a Wednesday my trial was attwsted
On a Thursday they said “guilty” and the judges gavel fell….

U got stripes, stripes around my shoulders
I got chains, chains around my feet
I got stripes, stripes around my shoulders
And them chains, them chains, they’re about to drag me down

On a Monday, I got my striped britches
On Tuesday I got my call and chain
On Wednesday I’m workin’ digging ditches
On Thursday I beg them not to knock me down again….

On a Monday, my momma come to see me
On a Tuesday they caught me with a file
On a Wednesday I’m down in solitary
On a Thursday I start on bread and water for a while

That damn Joe Biden!

Vote for this criminal you stupid sonsabitches!
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