Trump campaign has almost $1 million in unpaid public safety costs

Huey Grey

HR King
Jan 15, 2013
A-hole doesn't give a shit about cops, either. Just keeps sticking it to the people who love him most.

"President Donald Trump has long touted his affection for the nation's police forces and has often referred to himself as the "law and order president," but his campaign has racked up nearly $1 million in unpaid public-safety costs for his rallies, with some debts going all the way back to 2016.

Invoices from ten cities — including El Paso, Texas; Mesa, Arizona; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Green Bay, Wisconsin — show that the president and his campaign still owe local police and fire departments large sums of money for providing him with protection during his various rallies over the last three years."
I read the City of West Palm Beach was well in the red from providing security and escorts every time he flies into Palm Beach International Airport to go to Mar-A-Lago. The fact that Palm Beach County went for Clinton will probably mean he will never make them whole.
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Mebbe their IRA (Internet Research Agency) buds can help out with the crowdfunding efforts here....

Mueller Report
p 33.

The investigation identified two different forms of connections between the IRA and members of the Trump Campaign. (The investigation identified no similar connections between the IRA and the Clinton Campaign.)

p. 34
a. Trump Campaign Promotion of IRA Political Materials
p. 35
b. Contact with Trump Campaign Officials in Connection to Rallies
It went from Russian collusion to this.....


I have a sad for OP
Odd take. This is a separate issue. OP is capable of holding multiple reasons for being negative about our president.

I read the City of West Palm Beach was well in the red from providing security and escorts every time he flies into Palm Beach International Airport to go to Mar-A-Lago. The fact that Palm Beach County went for Clinton will probably mean he will never make them whole.

They have been fighting wit him for a while. A Lot of cops working on their retirement payout. The sheriff will get paid he's and effective politician and he take care of his guys.

He's notoriously cheap. A million is nothing, but he'll string it out.
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Not quite. Neither of us are donating to Huey's campaign. He's not grasping at straws here. He's reasonably interpreting direct quotes literally. We're in a weird time where we're being asked to interpret the POTUS's words figuratively and not literally when there's not a figurative way to interpret them unless you assume the POTUS is unfit for his office. Then you're in a spot where you have to decide if you're okay with a POTUS being no better than the worst retail site manager. People are being accused of being "snowflakes" every day for listening to the president and taking him seriously and responding in kind. A lot of elements of that are par for the course in daily life but are not protocol in high capacity official offices. You're supposed to have a million microscopes looking over a billion slides of you when you're in that kind of office. You shouldn't get a pass from complacent/limited slugs.
Not quite. Neither of us are donating to Huey's campaign. He's not grasping at straws here. He's reasonably interpreting direct quotes literally. We're in a weird time where we're being asked to interpret the POTUS's words figuratively and not literally when there's not a figurative way to interpret them unless you assume the POTUS is unfit for his office. Then you're in a spot where you have to decide if you're okay with a POTUS being no better than the worst retail site manager. People are being accused of being "snowflakes" every day for listening to the president and taking him seriously and responding in kind.

Are you new here, Huey is the definition of a snowflake. I’m actually surprised he didn’t drink bleach immediately after the election
Are you new here, Huey is the definition of a snowflake. I’m actually surprised he didn’t drink bleach immediately after the election
You have a warped view of "snowflake." I edited my previous post to expand and not to catch you, but you had this response posted before I finished my edit (for disclosure purposes so people don't think you selected only part of my post). I don't think of Huey as a "snowflake" (as it was originated) at all. A "snowflake" when it was coined politically was a subset college boy or girl who had their feelings hurt by rough language. That's happened to most people occasionally. The "snowflake" was the person who couldn't believe such language existed anymore, not the person who'd been facing up the whole time.
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Are you new here, Huey is the definition of a snowflake. I’m actually surprised he didn’t drink bleach immediately after the election
You have a warped view of "snowflake." I edited my previous post to expand and not to catch you, but you had this response posted before I finished my edit. I don't think of Huey as a "snowflake" (as it was originated) at all. A "snowflake" when it was coined politically was a subset college boy or girl who had their feelings hurt by rough language. That's happened to most people occasionally. The "snowflake" was the person who couldn't believe such language existed anymore, not the person who'd been facing up the whole time.

I disagree, I think a snowflake is someone who cannot tolerate anyone who has a differing opinion. For instance my daughter (bless her heart) says “Dad why are you coming at me?” When I simply remind her that I asked her to clean her room before she goes to hang out with her friends. Millennials feel they are picked on constantly.
You have a warped view of "snowflake." I edited my previous post to expand and not to catch you, but you had this response posted before I finished my edit (for disclosure purposes so people don't think you selected only part of my post). I don't think of Huey as a "snowflake" (as it was originated) at all. A "snowflake" when it was coined politically was a subset college boy or girl who had their feelings hurt by rough language. That's happened to most people occasionally. The "snowflake" was the person who couldn't believe such language existed anymore, not the person who'd been facing up the whole time.
Apparently @swagsurfer02 is pro deadbeat way of life.
You have a warped view of "snowflake." I edited my previous post to expand and not to catch you, but you had this response posted before I finished my edit (for disclosure purposes so people don't think you selected only part of my post). I don't think of Huey as a "snowflake" (as it was originated) at all. A "snowflake" when it was coined politically was a subset college boy or girl who had their feelings hurt by rough language. That's happened to most people occasionally. The "snowflake" was the person who couldn't believe such language existed anymore, not the person who'd been facing up the whole time.
Apparently @swagsurfer02 is pro deadbeat way of life.

Nah he should pay what he owes, but if it’s not one things it’s another.
I disagree, I think a snowflake is someone who cannot tolerate anyone who has a differing opinion. For instance my daughter (bless her heart) says “Dad why are you coming at me?” When I simply remind her that I asked her to clean her room before she goes to hang out with her friends. Millennials feel they are picked on constantly.
Then the concept of "snowflake" is fraudulent. Huey isn't crashing any planes into any buildings. So I'd say his tolerance is up to snuff. There is an angle with "snowflake" where you can point to hypocrisy with liberals who are hysterical with their disagreement with traditionally conservative nonsense like religion and patriotism. The world is more immediate when you prefer dealing with the immediate material world and not the fantastical abstractions of tradition and legacy and other such nonsense.
Have they made all their payments at Trump-brand golf courses?

I’m going to guess, yes.
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I disagree, I think a snowflake is someone who cannot tolerate anyone who has a differing opinion. For instance my daughter (bless her heart) says “Dad why are you coming at me?” When I simply remind her that I asked her to clean her room before she goes to hang out with her friends. Millennials feel they are picked on constantly.
Then the concept of "snowflake" is fraudulent. Huey isn't crashing any planes into any buildings. So I'd say his tolerance is up to snuff. There is an angle with "snowflake" where you can point to hypocrisy with liberals who are hysterical with their disagreement with traditionally conservative nonsense like religion and patriotism. The world is more immediate when you prefer dealing with the immediate world and not the abstractions of tradition and legacy.

After some of the stuff I’ve seen lately, I don’t know if tradition exists any longer. I think boundaries are necessary however I’m sure most disagree.
After some of the stuff I’ve seen lately, I don’t know if tradition exists any longer. I think boundaries are necessary however I’m sure most disagree.
I side with my interpretation of a Vonnegut line on that question. Keep the good, toss out the bad, see what you call the next thing.
After some of the stuff I’ve seen lately, I don’t know if tradition exists any longer. I think boundaries are necessary however I’m sure most disagree.
I side with my interpretation of a Vonnegut line on that question. Keep the good, toss out the bad, see what you call the next thing.

Isn’t that what we’re talking about here some see good as bad and bad as good. I swear life is starting to imitate Orwell’s Animal Farm.
Isn’t that what we’re talking about here some see good as bad and bad as good. I swear life is starting to imitate Orwell’s Animal Farm.
I disagree with you about Orwell. Every literate conservative I've ever met always talks about Orwell like he was an Oracle. I don't know if he was seriously trying to accurately predict the future but I suspect that he was not. He would still be very wrong if he was and we'd still be waiting. He was very true to his thought experiments (Animal Farm and 1984). He was also a serious contemporary essayist in his time. Any conservative reference to Orwell gives me snowflake nausea gags. He was not like they are.
Isn’t that what we’re talking about here some see good as bad and bad as good. I swear life is starting to imitate Orwell’s Animal Farm.
I disagree with you about Orwell. Every literate conservative I've ever met always talks about Orwell like he was an Oracle. I don't know if he was seriously trying to accurately predict the future but I suspect that he was not. He would still be very wrong if he was and we'd still be waiting. He was very true to his thought experiments (Animal Farm and 1984). He was also a serious contemporary essayist in his time. Any conservative reference to Orwell gives me snowflake nausea gags. He was not like they are.

You don’t see any resemblance to two legs bad, four legs good?
You don’t see any resemblance to two legs bad, four legs good?
Have always. That's been happening every year since I read Animal Farm. The Daily Show started in the 90s and it was basically the satirical blueprint on screen for juxtaposing nonsensical contradictions or showing abusive treatment of dissidents.
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Nah he should pay what he owes, but if it’s not one things it’s another.
Yeah, isn’t it? Perhaps that tells you that he’s a piece of shit as there’s always another scandal. Paid a porn star, didn’t pay his cops, getting paid by everyone staying in his resorts, saying he still wouldn’t call the fbi, obstruction x 10, and on, and on, and on.
Nah he should pay what he owes, but if it’s not one things it’s another.
Yeah, isn’t it? Perhaps that tells you that he’s a piece of shit as there’s always another scandal. Paid a porn star, didn’t pay his cops, getting paid by everyone staying in his resorts, saying he still wouldn’t call the fbi, obstruction x 10, and on, and on, and on.

I guess I’m a little foggy, how is it that a good Florida boy like you can prove he obstructed justice however the honorable Robert Mueller couldn’t decisively after a two year investigation and 30 million dollars spent?
I disagree, I think a snowflake is someone who cannot tolerate anyone who has a differing opinion. For instance my daughter (bless her heart) says “Dad why are you coming at me?” When I simply remind her that I asked her to clean her room before she goes to hang out with her friends. Millennials feel they are picked on constantly.

in my view snowflake is someone who uses a large brush to define someone else (like millennials feel they are picked on). Not 'all' millennials.

we are ALL is that for a paint brush.
I guess I’m a little foggy, how is it that a good Florida boy like you can prove he obstructed justice however the honorable Robert Mueller couldn’t decisively after a two year investigation and 30 million dollars spent?
Mueller did, he just didn’t charge him with the findings because of department policy. Obstruction is proven.
Nah he should pay what he owes, but if it’s not one things it’s another.

Yeah, isn’t it? Perhaps that tells you that he’s a piece of shit as there’s always another scandal. Paid a porn star, didn’t pay his cops, getting paid by everyone staying in his resorts, saying he still wouldn’t call the fbi, obstruction x 10, and on, and on, and on.

And then they bitch because of the constant drum beat of scandal.

How is it that Trump is not required to pay in advance for all goods and services? He is a well known deadbeat.
I disagree, I think a snowflake is someone who cannot tolerate anyone who has a differing opinion. For instance my daughter (bless her heart) says “Dad why are you coming at me?” When I simply remind her that I asked her to clean her room before she goes to hang out with her friends. Millennials feel they are picked on constantly.

in my view snowflake is someone who uses a large brush to define someone else (like millennials feel they are picked on). Not 'all' millennials.

we are ALL is that for a paint brush.

I guess that’s just like your opinion
I guess I’m a little foggy, how is it that a good Florida boy like you can prove he obstructed justice however the honorable Robert Mueller couldn’t decisively after a two year investigation and 30 million dollars spent?
Here we see the target audience for Barr's misinformation campaign.
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I guess I’m a little foggy, how is it that a good Florida boy like you can prove he obstructed justice however the honorable Robert Mueller couldn’t decisively after a two year investigation and 30 million dollars spent?
Here we see the target audience for Barr's misinformation campaign.

No I think they should bring impeachment proceedings immediately
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