Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test but confuses name of doctor who tested him.

And not just by a little, by a lot... but common sense doesn't work in their liberal deficient brains.
I don't even think it's liberal I think it's anti-Trump.

If Sowell or Romney were up there they'd go but but but but but but but but but but but well nevermind, that's not a bad idea.
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Absolutely. Besides being the best of the worst how is our economy doing? Groceries sucks. Gas sucks. God forbid you want to rent or buy a home.
What's the average price per gallon of gas the past ten years? We don't live in a socialist country, and there's only so much government can do to control prices.
What's the average price per gallon of gas the past ten years? We don't live in a socialist country, and there's only so much government can do to control prices.
Idk you tell me. What's the price look like on election years?
What about actual results? Record job production, infrastructure so good even the Republicans try taking credit for, a strong economy that is the envy of the world. Sure he's old, but the results speak for themselves.
Damn you're telling me he did all that himself?
I think it's in spite of him. I don't believe he's done much of anything to be honest. I don't think he's a bad president but I think the bigger story here is the last 4 years is a true testament to our system. The country for the most part can run smoothly even with a corpse up top.
Firth you wrote this. Now you write this.
It's not great. Thankfully I'm paid well but basic everyday things hit the bakroll harder than they did in the past
Which one is it?
Sorry you are poor. Tax breaks for the ultra wealthy ought to help you out though. Hang in there, it could happen…

I don't even think it's liberal I think it's anti-Trump.

If Sowell or Romney were up there they'd go but but but but but but but but but but but well nevermind, that's not a bad idea.
If Sowell were speaking the left would absolutely lose their mind. Few things make them more upset than a black man "breaking rank". Look how they treat Clarence Thomas. Would be the exact same energy. They'd call Romney a nazi while he was running then glaze him after the fact (literally what they did).
Aren’t you a sucker and a loser in Trump’s eyes?
Still repeating lies, huh?
The other funny thing about this rambling, incoherent speech was at the beginning Trump slammed Biden for avoiding questions, promised to take questions, then wandered off the stage. Neo Nazi Charlie Kirk chased after him, but they couldn’t unfreeze Trump’s brain and get him back to the podium to take questions
The Office Boomer GIF by MOODMAN
Is MY Constitution different than yours? You call me a “boomer” like you might be jealous? I will admit it has been a good life but not stress free. You, like I, are lucky enough to live in the greatest country the world has ever seen….and your duty is to preserve it. Make it greater……some more!
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Is MY Constitution different than yours? You call me a “boomer” like you might be jealous? I will admit it has been a good life but not stress free. You, like I, are lucky enough to live in the greatest country the world has ever seen….and your duty is to preserve it. Make it greater……some more!

preach GIF by Shalita Grant

I have been a lifelong Republican voter who will have to for the third presidential election in a row vote for the Democratic nominee.

How’s that, Boomer?

And no, I don’t admire your “me and only me” generation at all, and I sure as hell am not jealous of it.

Y'all worship this vegetable lol
None of us idolize Biden. He has made commendable strides in certain areas while falling short in others. Nevertheless, Biden is infinitely better than Trump. Trump has proven to be a catastrophic leader, akin to a spoiled, petulant child who prioritizes his own interests above the nation's needs. Such self-centeredness is the antithesis of presidential duty. Trump's behavior is reprehensible and malicious. The fervent obsession of MAGA supporters with him is truly baffling, revealing a profound inability to critically assess character and leadership qualities.
preach GIF by Shalita Grant

I have been a lifelong Republican voter who will have to for the third presidential election in a row vote for the Democratic nominee.

How’s that, Boomer?

And no, I don’t admire your “me and only me” generation at all, and I sure as hell am not jealous of it.
Phuque you and the “me and only me” generation bullshit. It’s the way of the world….and actually, it’s a helluva lot more of “ trickle down economics” in action than it is “the Boomer” generation. We were fine as long as Dems were basically running things…..emphasizing “sound business practices and policies” is where America lost its way. You dont run a government like you do a business or family budget.
None of us idolize Biden. He has made commendable strides in certain areas while falling short in others. Nevertheless, Biden is infinitely better than Trump. Trump has proven to be a catastrophic leader, akin to a spoiled, petulant child who prioritizes his own interests above the nation's needs. Such self-centeredness is the antithesis of presidential duty. Trump's behavior is reprehensible and malicious. The fervent obsession of MAGA supporters with him is truly baffling, revealing a profound inability to critically assess character and leadership qualities.

Standing Ovation GIF by Emmys
  • Haha
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Phuque you and the “me and only me” generation bullshit. It’s the way of the world….and actually, it’s a helluva lot more of “ trickle down economics” in action than it is “the Boomer” generation. We were fine as long as Dems were basically running things…..emphasizing “sound business practices and policies” is where America lost its way. You dont run a government like you do a business or family budget.
Sleep it off, Boomer.
Absolutely. Besides being the best of the worst how is our economy doing? Groceries sucks. Gas sucks. God forbid you want to rent or buy a home.
Do some Google searches to see how the rest of the world is doing. The United States is the envy of many countries. Yesterday at our store, I spoke with a British couple who were amazed to hear Americans complaining about the economy. From their perspective, the U.S. is far better off than most other places.
Hey quit ragging on Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser. He can easily pronounce "Velemnuezela". Oh wait... he cant.
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What's the average price per gallon of gas the past ten years? We don't live in a socialist country, and there's only so much government can do to control prices.
It’s amazing how the less government folks whine about government intervention and then blame the government for their daily issues.

Prices are up across the world. It’s a global economy. If anything the US is doing better than the rest of the world.
Ofc not. He's surrounded himself with people who can assist with all these goals. End is the same. Tons of really good accomplishments despite his age.
As far as "record job production". A garbage can could have produced that after the covid. Whoever was president would have been able to claim that.

Just sayin...
None of us idolize Biden. He has made commendable strides in certain areas while falling short in others. Nevertheless, Biden is infinitely better than Trump. Trump has proven to be a catastrophic leader, akin to a spoiled, petulant child who prioritizes his own interests above the nation's needs. Such self-centeredness is the antithesis of presidential duty. Trump's behavior is reprehensible and malicious. The fervent obsession of MAGA supporters with him is truly baffling, revealing a profound inability to critically assess character and leadership qualities.

Worst of all he doesn't respect the results of elections that he loses.

In 2017, Joe Biden gaveled Trump in as president and said "It's over".

in 2021, Trump send a mob to the capitol to stop his vice president from gaveling Biden in as the next president.
As far as "record job production". A garbage can could have produced that after the covid. Whoever was president would have been able to claim that.

Just sayin...
To some extent yes. But I don’t think it’s a stretch to argue we don’t have the CHIPS act, OR the Infrastructure act, if Trump were POTUS.