Trump continues to show cognitive decline, also policies that could ruin economy


HB All-American
May 6, 2004

Has anyone seen this? Just earlier this month Trump did an interview (on tape) stating he was considering Jaime Diamond for an administration position, potentially the treasury secretary. Then gets on truth social stating where did this information come from. He is either in significant cognitive decline, or he wants to continue to gaslight the American public. Most likely Dimon told him hell no he would get involved with that sh** show. Trump pissed off denies now that it was ever a consideration.

Secondly, I have been very honest on this board stating I want some type of fiscal responsibility. I didn't like the big stimulus package Biden put in place, even still we do appear to be overcoming that. Trumps proposals are the following, keep the previous tax cuts and increase corporate tax cuts. Effectively reducing the tax dollars coming in. All the while instituting significant tariffs. The end game will be a massive inflationary environment and potentially overturning the economy. I think the short term returns would be good in the market as many think Trump is pro business, but I am effectively wanting to be out of the market by the end of the 2nd quarter next year. I have made massive gains, I will be more than willing to sit on the sidelines for a massive pull back which will inevitably come. We are right back to those lofty valuations of 2001 where the stock market is double the countries GDP on the Buffett Indicator. There are some eerily similar similarities to the great depression and the dotcom bubble. I still think this can go a while and as long as no recession would be delayed until the policies were put in place and the effects begin to show up in the inflation data. But if this happens, there will be some major repercussions.

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