Trump Fires Vindman - Escorted Out of the White House

Don't matter. MAGAs cannot read.
Roll another Fox 'n Friends Video, Bob!!!!
It would be hard to make a case for that as I read it. There was certainly no bodily injury and damage to "tangible property" would be a stretch. Lt. Col. Vindman's advancement prospects in the military? I dunno...getting fired by this asshat might enhance those prospects.
Your post was in response to me saying there’s nothing improper about Vindman’s reassignment. I’m not following the connection. Feel free to fill me in.

Perhaps you need to start at the beginning, and what Vindman testified about....
That was my point. Be patient. The Vinman twins were trying to politically undermine a duly elected president, just like Scott.
Incidentally, a very good book & movie but doesn’t stand the test of time. The good guys were able to stop Scott by threatening to expose the fact he once had an affair.
This is almost parody handle level stuff.
What's happened to LC and the GOP reminds me a little bit of the reactions we saw from things like the Penn State Sandusky scandal.

PSU football was life for some of those fans, it was part of their identity. They couldn't just accept what happened, they had to cope in alternative ways.

I suspect GOP politics is part of LC's identity and what Trump has done to the party has forced LC into some of the methods that we then ridicule here.

We joke that he had no choice, but it probably actually feels that way.
What's happened to LC and the GOP reminds me a little bit of the reactions we saw from things like the Penn State Sandusky scandal.

PSU football was life for some of those fans, it was part of their identity. They couldn't just accept what happened, they had to cope in alternative ways.

I suspect GOP politics is part of LC's identity and what Trump has done to the party has forced LC into some of the methods that we then ridicule here.

We joke that he had no choice, but it probably actually feels that way.
Honestly, I treat LC's posts like I do OiT's. I just swipe right past them because I know they are drivel, and there isn't much that could be considered well reasoned in them.
It's sad. He was thoughtful at one time.
Honestly, I treat LC's posts like I do OiT's. I just swipe right past them because I know they are drivel, and there isn't much that could be considered well reasoned in them.
It's sad. He was thoughtful at one time.

I still like his writing style and I occasionally learn a new word.
Honestly, I treat LC's posts like I do OiT's. I just swipe right past them because I know they are drivel, and there isn't much that could be considered well reasoned in them.
It's sad. He was thoughtful at one time.

Many years ago LC was a decent poster. There, I said it. Especially on subjects that benefited from a perspective of having lived in that era. He also has pretty good taste in food and movies.
Politically he’s OiT now.
A retired Army officer who worked with Democrat “star witness” Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in Grafenwoher, Germany, claims Vindman “really talked up” President Barack Obama and ridiculed America and Americans in front of Russian military officers.

In an eye-opening thread on Twitter last week, retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman said that he “verbally reprimanded” Vindman after he heard some of his derisive remarks for himself. “Do not let the uniform fool you,” Hickman wrote. “He is a political activist in uniform.”

Hickman’s former boss at the Joint Multinational Simulation Center in Grafenwoehr has since gone on the record to corroborate his story.

Hickman, 52, says he’s a disabled wounded warrior who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and who received numerous medals, including the Purple Heart.

The retired officer said that Vindman, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Ukraine, made fun of the United States to the point that it made other soldiers “uncomfortable.” For example, Hickman told American Greatness that he heard Vindman call Americans “rednecks”—a word that needed to be translated for the Russians. He said they all had a big laugh at America’s expense.

Vindman, who serves on the National Security Council (NSC), appeared last week before the House Intelligence Committee and testified that he’d had “concerns” about the July phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Vindman’s testimony rested on his negative opinions of the call, rather than any new facts about the call.

Vindman’s former boss, NSC Senior Director for European Affairs Tim Morrison, threw cold water on Vindman’s claims in his own testimony later in the week, saying he didn’t have concerns that “anything illegal was discussed” in the phone call. Morrison also testified that Ukrainian officials were not even aware that military funding had been delayed by the Trump Administration until late August 2019, more than a month after the Trump-Zelensky call.


A number of famous U.S. military heroes slammed Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman on Tuesday, calling him “prissy,” a “disgrace,” and “an operative with an agenda.”

Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie called for Lt. Col. Vindman to be dishonorably discharged for conduct unbecoming, lying under oath and undermining the president of the United States on foreign policy.

Vindman on Tuesday earned the scorn of his military peers for testifying against his commander-in-chief, in uniform, before the House intelligence Committee as part of the Democrats’ unraveling impeachment inquisition.

AMGreatness reports: Early in the hearing, Vindman tersely corrected Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the top Republican on the Intel Committee, when the congressman referred to him as “Mr. Vindman.”

The awkward moment came amid a back-and-forth over the identity of one of an unnamed official Vindman briefed about President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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Vindman’s lawyer and House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) objected to the questioning because they said it would lead to the disclosure of the so-called “whistleblower’s” identity.

“Mr. Vindman, you testified in your deposition that you did not know the whistleblower,” Nunes stated.

“Ranking member, it’s Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, please,” the witness scolded.

Nunes continued to question Vindman about who he had spoken with following Trump’s phone call, addressing Vindman by his rank, and Schiff repeatedly interjected to prevent Vindman exposing the identity of the whistleblower.

Vindman said that he spoke with two individuals outside the NSC regarding the call, and that both were government employees with “a need to know.”

When asked which agencies they were with, Vindman said he spoke to State Department official George Kent, and “an individual in the intelligence community.”

Left outside the loop was Vindman’s immediate supervisor Timothy Morrison, a Europe and Russia expert for the National Security Council, who testified later in the day. When later asked by Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) why he didn’t go directly to his superior with his concerns, Vindman replied that “it was a really busy week. Also the lawyer told me not to talk to anyone else.”

“And yet you talked to your brother, to George Kent, and a CIA person you won’t name,” Jordan argued.

Vindman has maintained, like Chairman Schiff somewhat unconvincingly, that he does not know the identity of the whistleblower.

Multiple military vets made biting comments on Twitter about Vindman during and after his testimony.

Tim Kennedy, an active, Green Beret, Special Forces Sniper with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, said “correcting a civilian about how to be addressed is for sure a way to make everyone in the military think you’re a douche bag.”

Mark Geist, a member of the heroic Annex Security Team that fought the Battle of Benghazi, Libya, on September, 11 2012, called Vindman a “disgrace.”

Former U.S. Navy SEAL and special warfare operator Robert James O’Neill said Vindman is an “operative with an agenda.” O’Neill is widely credited with firing the shot that killed Osama bin Laden.

Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie called for Vindman to be dishonorably discharged. Higbie served two tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom, reaching the rate of Special Warfare Operator, First Class.

Former US Army Special Forces soldier Jim Hanson called Vindman “prissy” and “the Frank Burns of the NSC,” who is “hated by everyone in his unit.”

Legendary Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, the “lone survivor” of a elite four-man operation that went terribly wrong in Afghanistan in 2005, spoke up on Twitter when an Army vet attacked the president’s son Donald Trump Jr.

“I served this country too,” Luttrell said. “Our job as those in the uniform is to protect those that don’t wear it, not to defame them, especially the the First Family.”

Lt. Col (Ret.) Jim Hickman, who remembers Vindman as an anti-American partisan, was particularly irked by Vindman’s decision to wear his full military uniform, telling American Greatness that he did it “to again make him beyond reproach, and to make a political statement against the President. He should’ve worn his daily uniform, which is a civilian suit, period.”

The Iraq/Afghanistan war vet said that civilians are under no obligation to refer to officers by their rank but it’s considered proper etiquette to do so while they are in uniform. However, he told American Greatness that Vindman shouldn’t have been in uniform.

“LTC Vindman showed his pompous, arrogant side in today’s hearing by demanding Congressman Nunes address him as Lieutenant Colonel Vindman,” Hickman said. “The same arrogance he showed by advising the Ukrainians to do just the opposite of what President Trump’s policy was. The same arrogance that has him working against the President as a partisan in Congressman Adam Schiff’s sham impeachment.”

He added, “I witnessed this partisanship back in 2013 at Atlas Vision 13, and he hasn’t changed a bit.”

The retired officer went on to vent: “I cannot express how pissed off I am right now, having watched LTC Vindman have his ass kissed by the Democrats through the entire hearing to make him out as some sort of national hero, when I know he’s a partisan hack.”

Earlier this month, LTC Hickman shared his memories of Vindman’s disgraceful behavior in Germany on Twitter and with American Greatness. Later, the New York Times published an unfair hit-piece on the disabled vet, in an effort to discredit him.

LTC Hickman is a wounded warrior who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq and received numerous combat medals—including the Purple Heart. He took medical leave from the service in 2017 due to complications from his injuries

The Times didn’t refer to the war hero by his rank a single time in their piece.

“Makes me feel like all the harassment I went through was for nothing. Nobody even challenged his partisanship,” LTC Hickman told American Greatness.

The retired officer told American Greatness that his family has been receiving harassing and threatening phone calls since he decided to come forward with his story.

“My family and I have endured harassment for over two weeks now, because I stepped forward with the truth about Vindman. Today was a let down, and I call on anyone else who’s served with him and seen this same partisanship to have the courage to come forward,” he said. “Truth must be paramount, as there are those trying to malign against the constitution and the office of the presidency.”
Took you all day to find those soldier opinions? And lol at Hickman again

A number of famous U.S. military heroes slammed Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman on Tuesday, calling him “prissy,” a “disgrace,” and “an operative with an agenda.”

Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie called for Lt. Col. Vindman to be dishonorably discharged for conduct unbecoming, lying under oath and undermining the president of the United States on foreign policy.

Vindman on Tuesday earned the scorn of his military peers for testifying against his commander-in-chief, in uniform, before the House intelligence Committee as part of the Democrats’ unraveling impeachment inquisition.

AMGreatness reports: Early in the hearing, Vindman tersely corrected Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the top Republican on the Intel Committee, when the congressman referred to him as “Mr. Vindman.”

The awkward moment came amid a back-and-forth over the identity of one of an unnamed official Vindman briefed about President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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Vindman’s lawyer and House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) objected to the questioning because they said it would lead to the disclosure of the so-called “whistleblower’s” identity.

“Mr. Vindman, you testified in your deposition that you did not know the whistleblower,” Nunes stated.

“Ranking member, it’s Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, please,” the witness scolded.

Nunes continued to question Vindman about who he had spoken with following Trump’s phone call, addressing Vindman by his rank, and Schiff repeatedly interjected to prevent Vindman exposing the identity of the whistleblower.

Vindman said that he spoke with two individuals outside the NSC regarding the call, and that both were government employees with “a need to know.”

When asked which agencies they were with, Vindman said he spoke to State Department official George Kent, and “an individual in the intelligence community.”

Left outside the loop was Vindman’s immediate supervisor Timothy Morrison, a Europe and Russia expert for the National Security Council, who testified later in the day. When later asked by Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) why he didn’t go directly to his superior with his concerns, Vindman replied that “it was a really busy week. Also the lawyer told me not to talk to anyone else.”

“And yet you talked to your brother, to George Kent, and a CIA person you won’t name,” Jordan argued.

Vindman has maintained, like Chairman Schiff somewhat unconvincingly, that he does not know the identity of the whistleblower.

Multiple military vets made biting comments on Twitter about Vindman during and after his testimony.

Tim Kennedy, an active, Green Beret, Special Forces Sniper with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, said “correcting a civilian about how to be addressed is for sure a way to make everyone in the military think you’re a douche bag.”

Mark Geist, a member of the heroic Annex Security Team that fought the Battle of Benghazi, Libya, on September, 11 2012, called Vindman a “disgrace.”

Former U.S. Navy SEAL and special warfare operator Robert James O’Neill said Vindman is an “operative with an agenda.” O’Neill is widely credited with firing the shot that killed Osama bin Laden.

Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie called for Vindman to be dishonorably discharged. Higbie served two tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom, reaching the rate of Special Warfare Operator, First Class.

Former US Army Special Forces soldier Jim Hanson called Vindman “prissy” and “the Frank Burns of the NSC,” who is “hated by everyone in his unit.”

Legendary Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, the “lone survivor” of a elite four-man operation that went terribly wrong in Afghanistan in 2005, spoke up on Twitter when an Army vet attacked the president’s son Donald Trump Jr.

“I served this country too,” Luttrell said. “Our job as those in the uniform is to protect those that don’t wear it, not to defame them, especially the the First Family.”

Lt. Col (Ret.) Jim Hickman, who remembers Vindman as an anti-American partisan, was particularly irked by Vindman’s decision to wear his full military uniform, telling American Greatness that he did it “to again make him beyond reproach, and to make a political statement against the President. He should’ve worn his daily uniform, which is a civilian suit, period.”

The Iraq/Afghanistan war vet said that civilians are under no obligation to refer to officers by their rank but it’s considered proper etiquette to do so while they are in uniform. However, he told American Greatness that Vindman shouldn’t have been in uniform.

“LTC Vindman showed his pompous, arrogant side in today’s hearing by demanding Congressman Nunes address him as Lieutenant Colonel Vindman,” Hickman said. “The same arrogance he showed by advising the Ukrainians to do just the opposite of what President Trump’s policy was. The same arrogance that has him working against the President as a partisan in Congressman Adam Schiff’s sham impeachment.”

He added, “I witnessed this partisanship back in 2013 at Atlas Vision 13, and he hasn’t changed a bit.”

The retired officer went on to vent: “I cannot express how pissed off I am right now, having watched LTC Vindman have his ass kissed by the Democrats through the entire hearing to make him out as some sort of national hero, when I know he’s a partisan hack.”

Earlier this month, LTC Hickman shared his memories of Vindman’s disgraceful behavior in Germany on Twitter and with American Greatness. Later, the New York Times published an unfair hit-piece on the disabled vet, in an effort to discredit him.

LTC Hickman is a wounded warrior who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq and received numerous combat medals—including the Purple Heart. He took medical leave from the service in 2017 due to complications from his injuries

The Times didn’t refer to the war hero by his rank a single time in their piece.

“Makes me feel like all the harassment I went through was for nothing. Nobody even challenged his partisanship,” LTC Hickman told American Greatness.

The retired officer told American Greatness that his family has been receiving harassing and threatening phone calls since he decided to come forward with his story.

“My family and I have endured harassment for over two weeks now, because I stepped forward with the truth about Vindman. Today was a let down, and I call on anyone else who’s served with him and seen this same partisanship to have the courage to come forward,” he said. “Truth must be paramount, as there are those trying to malign against the constitution and the office of the presidency.”

Are there more people unfamiliar with the matter and financially dependent on Trump we could survey? And the idea that the military’s job is to protect the President from investigations is pathetic.
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to say they are unfamiliar with the matter and on trumps payroll is a double LIE

Jelly Doughnut eater Vindman is a partisan hack
to say they are unfamiliar with the matter and on trumps payroll is a double LIE

Jelly Doughnut eater Vindman is a partisan hack

They rely on the Trump machine to fuel their book and speaking deals. They don't actually have any information on what the President did or what Vindman did that isn't public.

A number of famous U.S. military heroes slammed Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman on Tuesday, calling him “prissy,” a “disgrace,” and “an operative with an agenda.”

Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie called for Lt. Col. Vindman to be dishonorably discharged for conduct unbecoming, lying under oath and undermining the president of the United States on foreign policy.

Vindman on Tuesday earned the scorn of his military peers for testifying against his commander-in-chief, in uniform, before the House intelligence Committee as part of the Democrats’ unraveling impeachment inquisition.

AMGreatness reports: Early in the hearing, Vindman tersely corrected Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the top Republican on the Intel Committee, when the congressman referred to him as “Mr. Vindman.”

The awkward moment came amid a back-and-forth over the identity of one of an unnamed official Vindman briefed about President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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Vindman’s lawyer and House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) objected to the questioning because they said it would lead to the disclosure of the so-called “whistleblower’s” identity.

“Mr. Vindman, you testified in your deposition that you did not know the whistleblower,” Nunes stated.

“Ranking member, it’s Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, please,” the witness scolded.

Nunes continued to question Vindman about who he had spoken with following Trump’s phone call, addressing Vindman by his rank, and Schiff repeatedly interjected to prevent Vindman exposing the identity of the whistleblower.

Vindman said that he spoke with two individuals outside the NSC regarding the call, and that both were government employees with “a need to know.”

When asked which agencies they were with, Vindman said he spoke to State Department official George Kent, and “an individual in the intelligence community.”

Left outside the loop was Vindman’s immediate supervisor Timothy Morrison, a Europe and Russia expert for the National Security Council, who testified later in the day. When later asked by Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) why he didn’t go directly to his superior with his concerns, Vindman replied that “it was a really busy week. Also the lawyer told me not to talk to anyone else.”

“And yet you talked to your brother, to George Kent, and a CIA person you won’t name,” Jordan argued.

Vindman has maintained, like Chairman Schiff somewhat unconvincingly, that he does not know the identity of the whistleblower.

Multiple military vets made biting comments on Twitter about Vindman during and after his testimony.

Tim Kennedy, an active, Green Beret, Special Forces Sniper with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, said “correcting a civilian about how to be addressed is for sure a way to make everyone in the military think you’re a douche bag.”

Mark Geist, a member of the heroic Annex Security Team that fought the Battle of Benghazi, Libya, on September, 11 2012, called Vindman a “disgrace.”

Former U.S. Navy SEAL and special warfare operator Robert James O’Neill said Vindman is an “operative with an agenda.” O’Neill is widely credited with firing the shot that killed Osama bin Laden.

Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie called for Vindman to be dishonorably discharged. Higbie served two tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom, reaching the rate of Special Warfare Operator, First Class.

Former US Army Special Forces soldier Jim Hanson called Vindman “prissy” and “the Frank Burns of the NSC,” who is “hated by everyone in his unit.”

Legendary Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, the “lone survivor” of a elite four-man operation that went terribly wrong in Afghanistan in 2005, spoke up on Twitter when an Army vet attacked the president’s son Donald Trump Jr.

“I served this country too,” Luttrell said. “Our job as those in the uniform is to protect those that don’t wear it, not to defame them, especially the the First Family.”

Lt. Col (Ret.) Jim Hickman, who remembers Vindman as an anti-American partisan, was particularly irked by Vindman’s decision to wear his full military uniform, telling American Greatness that he did it “to again make him beyond reproach, and to make a political statement against the President. He should’ve worn his daily uniform, which is a civilian suit, period.”

The Iraq/Afghanistan war vet said that civilians are under no obligation to refer to officers by their rank but it’s considered proper etiquette to do so while they are in uniform. However, he told American Greatness that Vindman shouldn’t have been in uniform.

“LTC Vindman showed his pompous, arrogant side in today’s hearing by demanding Congressman Nunes address him as Lieutenant Colonel Vindman,” Hickman said. “The same arrogance he showed by advising the Ukrainians to do just the opposite of what President Trump’s policy was. The same arrogance that has him working against the President as a partisan in Congressman Adam Schiff’s sham impeachment.”

He added, “I witnessed this partisanship back in 2013 at Atlas Vision 13, and he hasn’t changed a bit.”

The retired officer went on to vent: “I cannot express how pissed off I am right now, having watched LTC Vindman have his ass kissed by the Democrats through the entire hearing to make him out as some sort of national hero, when I know he’s a partisan hack.”

Earlier this month, LTC Hickman shared his memories of Vindman’s disgraceful behavior in Germany on Twitter and with American Greatness. Later, the New York Times published an unfair hit-piece on the disabled vet, in an effort to discredit him.

LTC Hickman is a wounded warrior who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq and received numerous combat medals—including the Purple Heart. He took medical leave from the service in 2017 due to complications from his injuries

The Times didn’t refer to the war hero by his rank a single time in their piece.

“Makes me feel like all the harassment I went through was for nothing. Nobody even challenged his partisanship,” LTC Hickman told American Greatness.

The retired officer told American Greatness that his family has been receiving harassing and threatening phone calls since he decided to come forward with his story.

“My family and I have endured harassment for over two weeks now, because I stepped forward with the truth about Vindman. Today was a let down, and I call on anyone else who’s served with him and seen this same partisanship to have the courage to come forward,” he said. “Truth must be paramount, as there are those trying to malign against the constitution and the office of the presidency.”
Source? American Greatness? Quite the unbiased source to back your falsehoods. Laughable.


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A number of famous U.S. military heroes slammed Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman on Tuesday, calling him “prissy,” a “disgrace,” and “an operative with an agenda.”

Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie called for Lt. Col. Vindman to be dishonorably discharged for conduct unbecoming, lying under oath and undermining the president of the United States on foreign policy.

Vindman on Tuesday earned the scorn of his military peers for testifying against his commander-in-chief, in uniform, before the House intelligence Committee as part of the Democrats’ unraveling impeachment inquisition.

AMGreatness reports: Early in the hearing, Vindman tersely corrected Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the top Republican on the Intel Committee, when the congressman referred to him as “Mr. Vindman.”

The awkward moment came amid a back-and-forth over the identity of one of an unnamed official Vindman briefed about President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

PA Millionaire Names Favorite Stock Of 2020: "You Can't Afford To Ignore This"

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Vindman’s lawyer and House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) objected to the questioning because they said it would lead to the disclosure of the so-called “whistleblower’s” identity.

“Mr. Vindman, you testified in your deposition that you did not know the whistleblower,” Nunes stated.

“Ranking member, it’s Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, please,” the witness scolded.

Nunes continued to question Vindman about who he had spoken with following Trump’s phone call, addressing Vindman by his rank, and Schiff repeatedly interjected to prevent Vindman exposing the identity of the whistleblower.

Vindman said that he spoke with two individuals outside the NSC regarding the call, and that both were government employees with “a need to know.”

When asked which agencies they were with, Vindman said he spoke to State Department official George Kent, and “an individual in the intelligence community.”

Left outside the loop was Vindman’s immediate supervisor Timothy Morrison, a Europe and Russia expert for the National Security Council, who testified later in the day. When later asked by Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) why he didn’t go directly to his superior with his concerns, Vindman replied that “it was a really busy week. Also the lawyer told me not to talk to anyone else.”

“And yet you talked to your brother, to George Kent, and a CIA person you won’t name,” Jordan argued.

Vindman has maintained, like Chairman Schiff somewhat unconvincingly, that he does not know the identity of the whistleblower.

Multiple military vets made biting comments on Twitter about Vindman during and after his testimony.

Tim Kennedy, an active, Green Beret, Special Forces Sniper with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, said “correcting a civilian about how to be addressed is for sure a way to make everyone in the military think you’re a douche bag.”

Mark Geist, a member of the heroic Annex Security Team that fought the Battle of Benghazi, Libya, on September, 11 2012, called Vindman a “disgrace.”

Former U.S. Navy SEAL and special warfare operator Robert James O’Neill said Vindman is an “operative with an agenda.” O’Neill is widely credited with firing the shot that killed Osama bin Laden.

Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie called for Vindman to be dishonorably discharged. Higbie served two tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom, reaching the rate of Special Warfare Operator, First Class.

Former US Army Special Forces soldier Jim Hanson called Vindman “prissy” and “the Frank Burns of the NSC,” who is “hated by everyone in his unit.”

Legendary Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, the “lone survivor” of a elite four-man operation that went terribly wrong in Afghanistan in 2005, spoke up on Twitter when an Army vet attacked the president’s son Donald Trump Jr.

“I served this country too,” Luttrell said. “Our job as those in the uniform is to protect those that don’t wear it, not to defame them, especially the the First Family.”

Lt. Col (Ret.) Jim Hickman, who remembers Vindman as an anti-American partisan, was particularly irked by Vindman’s decision to wear his full military uniform, telling American Greatness that he did it “to again make him beyond reproach, and to make a political statement against the President. He should’ve worn his daily uniform, which is a civilian suit, period.”

The Iraq/Afghanistan war vet said that civilians are under no obligation to refer to officers by their rank but it’s considered proper etiquette to do so while they are in uniform. However, he told American Greatness that Vindman shouldn’t have been in uniform.

“LTC Vindman showed his pompous, arrogant side in today’s hearing by demanding Congressman Nunes address him as Lieutenant Colonel Vindman,” Hickman said. “The same arrogance he showed by advising the Ukrainians to do just the opposite of what President Trump’s policy was. The same arrogance that has him working against the President as a partisan in Congressman Adam Schiff’s sham impeachment.”

He added, “I witnessed this partisanship back in 2013 at Atlas Vision 13, and he hasn’t changed a bit.”

The retired officer went on to vent: “I cannot express how pissed off I am right now, having watched LTC Vindman have his ass kissed by the Democrats through the entire hearing to make him out as some sort of national hero, when I know he’s a partisan hack.”

Earlier this month, LTC Hickman shared his memories of Vindman’s disgraceful behavior in Germany on Twitter and with American Greatness. Later, the New York Times published an unfair hit-piece on the disabled vet, in an effort to discredit him.

LTC Hickman is a wounded warrior who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq and received numerous combat medals—including the Purple Heart. He took medical leave from the service in 2017 due to complications from his injuries

The Times didn’t refer to the war hero by his rank a single time in their piece.

“Makes me feel like all the harassment I went through was for nothing. Nobody even challenged his partisanship,” LTC Hickman told American Greatness.

The retired officer told American Greatness that his family has been receiving harassing and threatening phone calls since he decided to come forward with his story.

“My family and I have endured harassment for over two weeks now, because I stepped forward with the truth about Vindman. Today was a let down, and I call on anyone else who’s served with him and seen this same partisanship to have the courage to come forward,” he said. “Truth must be paramount, as there are those trying to malign against the constitution and the office of the presidency.”

Funny how his actual BOSS says everything you posted here is BULLSHIT.
to say they are unfamiliar with the matter and on trumps payroll is a double LIE

Jelly Doughnut eater Vindman is a partisan hack

None of them were familiar with his service with the Army in Moscow, nor his service in the WH. Thus, every single person who was quoted in what you posted are unqualified to speak about what he did. His commander from Moscow and his boss at the WH have both supported him.

Highbie and LTC Hickman have both proven to be a part of your cult, thus, anything they say should be taken with a massive grain of salt aside from the fact that neither were in a position to know what his job is. I mean, LTC Hickman has already been shown to have lied about his professional relationship with LTC Vindman. If you are going to lie about being someone's boss at a particular time, what else are you lying about.

And just a reminder, LTC Vindman was subpoenaed by the Republicans, not by Schiff. So there goes the Dem plant narrative.

Lastly, find non-RW (edited) nutcase articles to post AND link them to provide proper credit to the author. Copy and paste again, and you will be reported. Provide a link and proper attribution.
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