Trump: Ivanka created 14 million jobs! Narrator: No she didn't.

Hawk It Up

HR All-American
Sep 1, 2019
From Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential inauguration through the middle of last month, the American economy added a total of about 6 million jobs. But during a speech to the Economic Club of New York on Tuesday, he credited his daughter Ivanka with personally creating more than double that many jobs than that over the same timespan.

“When she started this, two and a half years ago, her goal was 500,000 jobs,” Trump said, referring to the goal of a White House workforce policy advisory board co-chaired by Ivanka. “She’s now created 14 million jobs ... 14 million from 500,000. Fourteen million and going up.”


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Lies will be the one thing that will bring this country down. Hitler did the same thing in Germany.
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Last time I checked Hitler was exterminating millions of people in gas chambers and rolling tanks across all of Europe and the Soviet Union. So yes Trump is exactly the same as Hitler.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Last time I checked Hitler was exterminating millions of people in gas chambers and rolling tanks across all of Europe and the Soviet Union. So yes Trump is exactly the same as Hitler.
So, you think Ivanka did create 14 million jobs?
Last time I checked Hitler was exterminating millions of people in gas chambers and rolling tanks across all of Europe and the Soviet Union. So yes Trump is exactly the same as Hitler.
People like you, thinking like this, is exactly how the genocide and military destruction became a reality. You aren't using the full benefit of hindsight. You're an example of history repeating itself.
Last time I checked Hitler was exterminating millions of people in gas chambers and rolling tanks across all of Europe and the Soviet Union. So yes Trump is exactly the same as Hitler.
'Hitler was exterminating" This is the present tense. So you checked on Hitler in the 40's and haven't since or he is still alive and doing that?. Very poorly worded. Also, before he did those things he started with massive lies to the German people.
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Trump’s language is very telling to how he views his job. “Ivanka wants to MAKE these people have good lives.” Most people would use the word ‘help’ but that’s not how the Surpreme Cheeto sees things.
Doesn't every administration claim they created more jobs? Doesn't every opposition candidate claim they will create jobs? Haven't they always said that.
People like you, thinking like this, is exactly how the genocide and military destruction became a reality. You aren't using the full benefit of hindsight. You're an example of history repeating itself.

And people like you who want to get rid of the 2nd amendment will facilitate it