Trump Jr Owns The View


dont mind me

just a Native American girl passing through
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That whistle blower is essentially a deep-state dirtball.

He was not a low-ranking bureaucrat; He was in charge of a portfolio of things (including some Ukraine stuff) at the CIA. He is manipulating the system by calling himself a Whistle-blower.

He could have self-identified as a "leaker" with what we know about him. Of course then he would have to go to jail.

The reality is that he is a deep state operative and part of the reason that the State Department had to work around the CIA. His name should be out and he should physically be in (jail).

I was "pizzagate" away from filling up my right wing lunacy bingo card. Dammit.
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Amazes me how many times Obama’s name is brought up by Trump supporters. A weird, yet fascinating, obsession.
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