Trump launching Crypto platform

That Trump is a dynamo. Running the greatest political campaign ever while simultaneously defeating assassins and he still has the time to grift off of his loser cult members.
Has Kamala ever made a single dollar that didn’t come directly from the taxpayers pocket? Did she get paid to be arm candy for marginal celebrities?
Problem is that Trump doesn't even know what crypto is. He was asked about it and gave a complete nonsense answer.
But his name is attached, for which he will get a percentage of the business. Then the suckers will all buy shares, and even though the business will be worthless as an actual entity he and his grifter partners will make hundreds of millions of dollars.

Trump is taking advantage of the stupid, and I honestly don’t even blame him for this particular one.

Confused Trump struggles in 'painful' crypto interview and keeps trying to change topic​

"When asked why it's so important for America to lead in crypto adoption, he replied: "It's so important. It's crypto. It's AI. It's so many other things. AI needs tremendous electrictiy capabilities beyond anything I ever heard."
Anyone getting involved with this deserves what they get.
That's up to you, I'm getting in on the ground floor. Martin Skrelli told Barron this crypto is really good stuff. Plus you have seasoned entrepreneurs like Eric and Little Don rounding out the management team. There is literally NO WAY this loses money.
Has Kamala ever made a single dollar that didn’t come directly from the taxpayers pocket? Did she get paid to be arm candy for marginal celebrities?
Great point. She grew up middle class and worked her way through school while working at McDonald's and went on to become a freeloading (checks notes) district attorney in a major American city prosecuting crime, then Attorney General in the largest state protecting consumers and victims, and finally Senator. She should have been born with a silver spoon up her ass, bankrupting herself six times before reality TV saved a crumbling empire, and she should have run scams like a for profit school and a fraudulent charity. We should definitely point that out.
Chase Herro has sold a lot of things in his career. Weed. Weight-loss “colon cleanses.” A US$149-a-month get-rich-quick class. Now he’s adding another line to his resume: the Trump family’s crypto guru.

Herro is the dealmaker behind World Liberty Financial, the crypto project that Donald Trump and his two older sons have been promoting on social media in recent weeks, according to two people involved with the project. Herro’s long-time business partner Zachary Folkman is also playing a key role. While few details about World Liberty have been released, Eric Trump said that the startup will promote “financial independence” and Donald Trump Jr. said it will “make finance great again.” Former President Trump himself posted a video saying he’d announce the details on Sept. 16. “We’re embracing the future with crypto and leaving the slow and outdated big banks behind,” Trump said.

Yet Herro, a fast-talking 39-year-old who shows off his fancy cars and private-jet rides on social media, is an unknown in the crypto world. More than a dozen prominent digital-asset investors said in interviews they had never heard of him. The only crypto project with which he was publicly affiliated attracted only a few million dollars and suffered a devastating hack. A token he promoted on influencer Logan Paul’s podcast dropped 96 per cent afterward. In one speech in 2018, he called himself “the dirtbag of the internet” and said that regulators should “kick s—heads like me out.”

“You can literally sell s– in a can, wrapped in piss, covered in human skin, for a billion dollars if the story’s right, because people will buy it,” Herro said about crypto in a 2018 YouTube video recorded as he drove in a Rolls-Royce. “I’m not going to question the right and wrong of all that.”

Bloomberg News sent detailed questions to a World Liberty email address. “We all see the picture you’re trying to paint here and consider it at best grossly inaccurate,” a man named Jim Redner replied. “We’re confident that our results will speak for themselves.” Redner said he was not a spokesperson for the company and was “just answering emails.” Herro, Folkman and the Trump presidential campaign didn’t respond to messages seeking comment.

Anyone really surprised?

Trump’s plan for the Federal Government to stockpile Bitcoin now in large quantities to use it to pay off the national debt when it reaches a higher value is actually pretty smart.

Like almost all of Trump's policies, it's idiotic. Ask El Salvador how it's going for them.
"When asked why it's so important for America to lead in crypto adoption, he replied: "It's so important. It's crypto. It's AI. It's so many other things. AI needs tremendous electrictiy capabilities beyond anything I ever heard."
Those are words.
Trump’s plan for the Federal Government to stockpile Bitcoin now in large quantities to use it to pay off the national debt when it reaches a higher value is actually pretty smart.
The $12 billion in Bitcoin holdings indicates the US government is the largest geopolitical holder of Bitcoin, a theme that has been repeatedly touched on by 2024 Presidential candidate Donald Trump. U.S. government already holds 210,000 Bitcoin. Try to keep up.
The $12 billion in Bitcoin holdings indicates the US government is the largest geopolitical holder of Bitcoin, a theme that has been repeatedly touched on by 2024 Presidential candidate Donald Trump. U.S. government already holds 210,000 Bitcoin. Try to keep up.
That’ll cover a day and a half of the budget deficit. What then?
I know people got ripped off terribly in the past by Trump with his numerous bankruptcies, Trump University, selling gaudy overpriced worthless tennis shoes, bibles, and Truth Social stock (people lost life savings).

…But I think this time Donald isn’t grifting with Liberty Crypto. I believe the MAGA faithful should give him more of their $$…whatever they have left. This is a sure thing! No way Donald wants to take all your money once again.

Like almost all of Trump's policies, it's idiotic. Ask El Salvador how it's going for them.

Why not ask the IMF instead?


I also want to ask you about the adoption of Bitcoin in El Salvador, especially now that you are going to focus more on the economy. In your opinion, has it been a success?

Bukele: Yes and no; a lot more could definitely be done. Bitcoin hasn't had the widespread adoption we hoped for. Many Salvadorans use it; The majority of large businesses in the country have it. You can go to a McDonald's, a supermarket, or a hotel and pay with Bitcoin. It hasn’t had the adoption we expected. The positive aspect is that it is voluntary; we have never forced anyone to adopt it. We offered it as an option, and those who chose to use it have benefited from the rise in Bitcoin.

Moreover, those who saved in Bitcoin when we launched it must have made a lot of money. Thank God for that. It's good that people have those earnings. Those who decided not to use it did not have those gains. If they use it now, they will probably have gains in the future. If they do not want to use it, this is a free country. I expected more adoption, definitely, but we always prided ourselves on being a free country, free in every way.

Sometimes, there's confusion because of our tough stance on gangs. However, we are a free country. For example, I believe few countries can say this: we have never repressed a demonstration. In five years of government, we have never used a tear gas can or a baton.

You won't find a photograph of one of our police officers hitting someone with a baton. There just aren’t any. I am not saying we will never do it […] still, we have never needed to use a single tear gas can. When the opposition protests, we even withdraw the police to avoid misunderstandings or potential provocations. We prefer to remove the police and let them stain the monuments and break windows, and then we go in and repair the damage.

It is the same with the Bitcoin issue. For me, it is an option we have given to Salvadorans. I'm not going to say it's the currency of the future, but there's a lot of future in that currency. I'm not the only one saying it. I wasn't among the first, but we were still few in 2021. Right now, you have the largest funds in the world, literally the largest funds in the world. BlackRock has the largest Bitcoin ETF.

You bet a lot on Bitcoin.

Bukele: El Salvador invested $135 million. Now, we have $400 million in Bitcoin in the public wallet alone. We have done well as a government. Salvadorans who used and saved it have done very well for obvious reasons, such as the price increase. Those who have not used it have no obligation to use it. The currency that circulates the most in El Salvador is the United States dollar.

I feel that it could have worked better, and there is still time to make some improvements, but it hasn’t resulted in anything negative. On the contrary, it gave us branding, it brought us investments, it brought us tourism.

And a lot of attention.

Bukele: It's brought us a lot of positive attention. Some criticism, but it is to be expected. What it has brought is financial inclusion for many people and profit for many others. It has brought profit to the country. The fact that major Wall Street companies are now engaging in it—something that seemed unthinkable three years ago when we did it—shows its impact. Some countries already hold reserves in Bitcoin or are investing in Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining. It is already becoming a topic of debate in the US presidential campaign.

In the end, the fact of being a “First Mover,” I think, gives us a small advantage, as far as it goes. I feel that it could have been much better. I wouldn't consider it a resounding success. Still, I do believe that the positive outcomes outweigh the negative, and the issues that have been highlighted are relatively minor.

Even the International Monetary Fund itself stated in its report last year, "The risks of Bitcoin in El Salvador have not materialized," meaning the risks they anticipated did not come to pass. We have seen nothing but benefits. As many as I would have wanted? No, but did it bring something bad? No. It's a net positive.


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