Trump pledges to jail opponents, baselessly suggests election will be stolen from him


HB King
May 29, 2001
Keep talking Donald:

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump threatened to jail people “involved in unscrupulous behavior” related to voting in the 2024 election, suggesting without evidence that the election could be stolen from him — and prompting widespread condemnation from election officials who said such rhetoric could provoke violence.

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Trump’s remarks, made in a social media posting on Saturday night, represent the most overt signal yet that he may not accept the result in November if he loses.
Trump has a history of railing against election officials and raising unsubstantiated claims of fraud when his political fortunes appear uncertain, as they do now in his extremely close race with Vice President Kamala Harris. His comments are his most direct threats made against those tasked with administering elections this year.


In reality, illegal voting is exceedingly rare. But Trump appears to be replaying his efforts to sow doubt about the voting process ahead of the 2020 election — actions that contributed to the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.
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“WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again,” Trump wrote on Saturday on his Truth Social platform. “We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T!”
Trump, who began his message with the words “CEASE & DESIST,” went on to threaten a wide range of the kinds of people who would face prosecution and prison time, including campaign donors and those involved in administering elections.

“Please be aware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters & Corrupt Election Officials,” he wrote, adding that such people will be “sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”
David Becker, who founded the nonprofit Center for Election Innovation & Research, urged the public to reject Trump’s inflammatory language.
“I can’t begin to describe the abnormality and disturbing behavior that would cause a presidential candidate, a former president, to threaten public servants with mass arrest,” said Becker, who previously worked as a lawyer for the Justice Department for seven years.

Several election officials also called threats of violence “unacceptable.”
“Donald Trump will not accept the results of the election unless he wins,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D). “This is another step in his campaign to undermine confidence in our elections, which has led to unprecedented threats of violence against election officials.”

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign did not reply to a request on Sunday afternoon for comment on Trump’s post.
On Sunday, Trump doubled down on his baseless claims of election fraud, saying on Truth Social that he expects to win the key swing state of Pennsylvania “by a lot, unless the Dems are allowed to CHEAT.”

Late last month, during a conversation with the conservative Moms for Liberty group, Trump conceded that he lost the 2020 election “by a whisker” — marking one of his most clear public acceptances that he lost the election to Biden. Days later, he once again publicly acknowledged that he did not win the 2020 presidential election, telling podcaster Lex Fridman that he “lost by a whisker.”
In the wake of the 2020 election, Trump and his allies pushed to overturn the election results through phone calls, speeches, tweets and media appearances in six swing states where certified results declared Joe Biden the winner.

Trump most recently began escalating his rhetoric about election fraud when Harris replaced President Joe Biden at the top of the ticket and pulled ahead in some polls. In remarks before the Fraternal Order of Police last week, the former president urged officers to patrol polling places because it would intimidate would-be cheaters.

“I hope you watch for voter fraud,” he said. “Watch for the voter fraud because we win without voter fraud. … You can keep it down just by watching because, believe it or not, they’re afraid of that badge. They’re afraid of you people.”
But while his post on Saturday falsely claimed that there was “rampant Cheating” in the 2020 presidential race, Trump’s efforts to overturn his loss in the last election faltered in multiple courts when his lawyers and allies could not produce evidence of widespread voter irregularities. In nearly four years since, Trump and his allies have failed to substantiate his claims that he lost the 2020 race due to fraud.

In one of those cases, U.S. District Judge Steven D. Grimberg, whom Trump named to the bench in 2019 in the Northern District of Georgia, wrote that the president’s attempt to block certification of Biden’s win in the state “would breed confusion and potentially disenfranchisement that I find has no basis in fact or in law.”

Election officials who are credibly found to have engaged in criminal activities are already prosecuted in the country. Last month, for example, Tina Peters, a former county clerk in Colorado and Trump ally, was found guilty of seven charges connected to allowing a purported computer expert to copy election data from her office as Trump and his allies searched for evidence to prove their baseless claims of election fraud. Another county election official, Misty Hampton of Coffee County, Ga., faces felony charges along with 14 others, including Trump, for their role in trying to overturn the 2020 result.
And, in the years after Trump began baselessly alleging fraud in the 2020 election, some states such as Iowa, Georgia and Arizona have passed laws beefing up penalties for some election-related offenses despite a lack of evidence that elections in their states were run unfairly. In some cases, these new state election laws effectively criminalize election workers’ errors, raising concerns about the possibility of unfair prosecutions like the kind Trump appeared to describe in his post.


Threats and harassment of election workers have skyrocketed since Trump and his allies began denying the results of the 2020 election, amplifying their false claims on television, podcasts and social media. The developments caused a mass exodus of veteran election administrators from their jobs, and prompted scores of election offices around the country to harden their physical workspaces with bulletproof glass, emergency buttons and extensive crisis training.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D), who was directly targeted by armed pro-Trump protesters who gathered outside her home after the 2020 election, on Sunday told The Washington Post that no threats from Trump will dissuade her from performing her duties this election year.
Benson said that her job — and the job of every election official in the country — is to “rise above this noise and focus on continuing to ensure our elections are fair, secure, accessible, and that the results continue to be an accurate reflection of the will of the people.”

Seth Bluestein, a Republican Philadelphia city commissioner, said that every election official he knows “is focused on doing their job well, which unfortunately now also includes preparing for potential threats and violence.”

And Jeff Greenburg, a former director of elections in Mercer County, Pa., said on Sunday that the “continued demonization of election officials is disappointing, disheartening, irresponsible and infuriating.”
“Words matter and this does nothing but potentially put those dedicated public servants in harm’s way. It has to stop,” he said.
On Sunday, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, a Trump campaign surrogate, minimized Trump’s comments in an interview with NBC News’s “Meet the Press,” saying that the former president was “just putting people on notice” that the country must have “free and fair elections.”
But a Republican official in a battleground state who spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly about Trump’s comments found the former president’s post more alarming.
“He sounds like he is losing it,” the Republican official said. “Sad, someone should do something, like replace him as a candidate.”
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Anyone found guilty of serious election fraud should spend their remaining days in prison. Another Trump W.

i will give trump this much: his insistence on describing his future administration in the most blatantly authoritarian bordering on fascist terms possible has made it impossible for anyone who goes on to vote for him to later say they hadn’t been told.
That kind of sounds like putting people on jail foe breaking the law.....
Trump has spent the last four years claiming that the election was illegally stolen from him despite literally zero evidence that is true. To him, “breaking the law” clearly means “refusing to throw out the results of the election and anoint me as the winner.”

You can’t possibly be so dense as to think that Donald Trump is just calling to put people in jail for breaking the law.
Trump has spent the last four years claiming that the election was illegally stolen from him despite literally zero evidence that is true. To him, “breaking the law” clearly means “refusing to throw out the results of the election and anoint me as the winner.”

You can’t possibly be so dense as to think that Donald Trump is just calling to put people in jail for breaking the law.
I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s mentally ill.
No, he’s saying if he wins he is going to jail anyone who helped try to cheat in 2024 - even if it didn’t work.
That's what he's saying. That's not what the MAGAts are hearing. This is a f'n call to arms if he loses.

And it makes me damn near physically ill to type "if he loses". That well over 40% of the country backs this moranic idiot and a large percentage of them are willing to do whatever it takes to put him in power is revolting.
That's what he's saying. That's not what the MAGAts are hearing. This is a f'n call to arms if he loses.

And it makes me damn near physically ill to type "if he loses". That well over 40% of the country backs this moranic idiot and a large percentage of them are willing to do whatever it takes to put him in power is revolting.
It truly is unbelievable and utterly devastating.

i will give trump this much: his insistence on describing his future administration in the most blatantly authoritarian bordering on fascist terms possible has made it impossible for anyone who goes on to vote for him to later say they hadn’t been told.

You still have morons here and warchant that think 2025 has no chance of being implemented....I've given up on our species
So if Donald wins, the election was fair. If he loses it was stolen. What an absolute frickin baby. It's unreal this election is basically a coin flip.
And given the fact that this election is between a convicted felon and a felon-free candidate makes the closeness of this race even more mind boggling!
Are you claiming trump committed election fraud? If so please specifically detail what fraud he committed.

I was talking about the ruby freeman's of the world btw

Here are some facts I look forward to you trying to justify, deny or excuse away.

Former US President Donald Trump has been indicted on 13 charges in Georgia for his alleged efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss in the state.

Here are some of the charges Donald Trump is facing in the Peach State:
  • Violating Georgia's racketeering act: The indictment alleges that Mr Trump, "while associated with an enterprise, unlawfully conspired" through a pattern of fraudulent activity to change the outcome of the election. This falls under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (Rico) Act, which has been used to bring down mafia bosses like John Gotti
  • Solicitation of violation of oath by public officer: Mr Trump is facing three counts on this charge, including one related to a January 2021 phone call between Mr Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, during which prosecutors allege Mr Trump asked Mr Raffensperger to "unlawfully" alter or adjust the the certified returns for presidential electors
  • Conspiracy to impersonate a public officer: The indictment alleges Mr Trump unlawfully conspired to influence certain individuals to falsely act as elected officials "with intent to mislead"
  • Conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree: The charge alleges that Mr Trump intended to defraud the public by conspiring to make a false document titled "CERTIFICATE OF THE VOTES OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM GEORGIA", a document which would have made Mr Trump appear to be the winning candidate in Georgia
  • False statements and writings and filing false documents: The purpose of the false statements, of which there are several listed, was to persuade Georgia legislators to "reject lawful" votes cast by duly elected officials, the indictment alleges
Sure, but typically one needs evidence. He produced none after 2016 and this is an imaginary crime.

Remember Torbee, you're talking to people who live in the court of public opinion where evidence and proof aren't required and there is no such thing as perjury.

This is why courts of law confuse and scare them.
Here are some facts I look forward to you trying to justify, deny or excuse away.

Former US President Donald Trump has been indicted on 13 charges in Georgia for his alleged efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss in the state.

Here are some of the charges Donald Trump is facing in the Peach State:
  • Violating Georgia's racketeering act: The indictment alleges that Mr Trump, "while associated with an enterprise, unlawfully conspired" through a pattern of fraudulent activity to change the outcome of the election. This falls under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (Rico) Act, which has been used to bring down mafia bosses like John Gotti
  • Solicitation of violation of oath by public officer: Mr Trump is facing three counts on this charge, including one related to a January 2021 phone call between Mr Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, during which prosecutors allege Mr Trump asked Mr Raffensperger to "unlawfully" alter or adjust the the certified returns for presidential electors
  • Conspiracy to impersonate a public officer: The indictment alleges Mr Trump unlawfully conspired to influence certain individuals to falsely act as elected officials "with intent to mislead"
  • Conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree: The charge alleges that Mr Trump intended to defraud the public by conspiring to make a false document titled "CERTIFICATE OF THE VOTES OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM GEORGIA", a document which would have made Mr Trump appear to be the winning candidate in Georgia
  • False statements and writings and filing false documents: The purpose of the false statements, of which there are several listed, was to persuade Georgia legislators to "reject lawful" votes cast by duly elected officials, the indictment alleges
Lol how is fani Willis? Still vacationing with her lover Nathan Wade? Why is every Democrat going against Trump an actual piece of shit? Btw...

Stop being an NPC
Lol how is fani Willis? Still vacationing with her lover Nathan Wade? Why is every Democrat going against Trump an actual piece of shit? Btw...

Stop being an NPC

Fani? No idea how she is. Regardless if she is on the case or not the charges are still there. Nice deflection attempt.

Also, a tweet with unnamed sources? Pretty reliable I am sure. Bragg delivered on a campaign promise and got Trump yet I bet you think it will somehow be undone because crybaby Trump says "its lawfare".
Saying that people who cheat will be prosecuted? Oh the horror
Well, it is a little weird coming from a guy who already has 34 felony convictions, was found liable for raping a woman, has lost a massive civil suit, lost a criminal suit against his company, has a federal and a state trial pending, and only got out of egregious violations in Florida because a new / biased judge carved out new law for him.
So, yeah, it's weird.
So, if he loses, how is he going to prosecute all the “illegal” shit going on? He is trying to rile his base into taking the “law” into their own hands?
He is creating the permission structure for violence and voter intimidation he thinks gets him a win in November. He cannot win by expanding the electorate, so he needs fewer people to stay at home. He needs people fearful of the police knocking on their door for voting by mail.

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