Trump Rally!!!

Damn... i hate to hear about all of those whales dying from our wind turbines. 🤣
Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser and Al Capone. Both with STDs from the prostitutes they frequented.
Scheduled to be in Cherokee in NW Iowa today also.
Strange site for a rally.
He has most of these rural voters locked up...middle of nowhere..bad road conditions...wonder if he shows.
Scheduled to be in Cherokee in NW Iowa today also.
Strange site for a rally.
He has most of these rural voters locked up...middle of nowhere..bad road conditions...wonder if he shows.
Typical Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser MO. Only hold rallies where no one will question you. Then shout some stupid stuff that is incoherent. But say nothing about anything important and by no means discuss policies or how you are going to actually make anything better. And compliment the attendees on their five teeth, facepaint, megaphones, misspelled signs and confederate flags.
Would a “normal” candidate, with as big a lead as he has, do as many rallies as he does?
Of course Scott endorses Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser. He's a spineless suckup who would endorse whomever he thought had best chances to win. No class and no morals or scruples. Glad he got shitkicked out so early. Last person that most Americans would want to hold the office.
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